Chapter one: Reunited

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Merry's POV.

It has been two days since the Trees have attacked Orthanc. Three days since we last saw Elayna, the last thing she said to us was that she loved us. Then we watched as she was beaten until she passed out. We know she's alive only because of the screams we hear. Treebeard has tried repeatedly to get into the tower to get her out. But she's in there with Saruman. He's keeping us out. Currently Pippin and I are sitting on the outer wall having some lunch. "It's good. Definitely from the Shire. Longbottom leaf," I say to him, sniffing some tobacco. "I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon," Pippin remarks. Though this brings up happy memories for both of us though his voice is tinged in sadness. "Green Dragon," I sigh. I'm thinking of the fond memories that seem very distant now. Sharing a drink with my family and with Frodo, Sam and Elayna. Though Pippin's mind seems to be taking him down a different route. "A mug of ale in my hand. Putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day's work". He has to be joking. "Only, you've never done a hard day's work". Both of us can't help it. We burst out into laughter. Though our laughter turns into cheers when we are greeted with the sight of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli riding towards us along with Gandalf and some humans I have not seen before.

"Welcome, my lords, to Isengard!" I call out in greeting as I point to Orthanc. Gimli's jaw drops open. "You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you, feasting and..... and smoking," he sounds relieved, though his words are supposed to be reproachful. "We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good," Pippin explains as I catch Aragorn's eye and I know he can tell I have to speak with him. "Salted pork," Gimli sounds like he is salivating. I laugh as Gandalf shakes his head in disgust. "Hobbits!". "We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard," I explain to them. We tell them what has happened to us since we were separated before I decide to tell him. "Aragorn?" I wait until he turns to me. "Elayna is in the tower!". I hardly have the words out of my mouth before he starts to move. Only Gandalf held him back. "Saruman still rules the tower. You would die before you got into it," though Pip and I know Gandalf speaks the truth it does nothing to stop the entire groups reaction when a high pitched feminine scream pierces the silence.

Pippin is quickly helped onto the back of a man's horse. We are then introduced to him as King Théoden of Rohan and I am quickly helped onto the back of another man's horse. I then find out his name is Éomer. As we ride towards the tower I fill Aragorn in on everything that we know Elayna has gone through, in other words, not much! Treebeard greets Gandalf and it is then that I tilt my head back to see two lone figures on the top of the tower. It is obvious that this is Saruman and the man we saw beating Elayna, but where the hell is she?

Elayna's POV.

I am woken from my pain induced sleep by you guessed it.... more pain. There is not one single inch of me that isn't battered, bruised or broken. I pry my swollen eyes open as I stare at Saruman. He smiles an evil smile as he holds the Palantír in front of me. I scream at the now familiar ripping pain in my skull. Hello my darling! Are we ready to co-operate today? All you have to do is give in to me and tell Saruman you're ready to serve your master and he will send you to me! I grimace as Sauron's voice fills my head. I start to shake my head. I am strong. I will not break. He does not seem pleased at my lack of answer though as there is a growled Fine, the hard way it is...... AGAIN! The last word was shouted so loud that I know I visibly grimaced. Saruman pulled the Palantír away from me as Wormtongue comes running into the room. "My lord Saruman, they're here!" he sounds panicked. I have no idea who's here but they must be important if the look on Saruman's face is anything to go by. Saruman nods to me and leaves the room in a hurry. Wormy comes towards me and beats me to another bloody pulp before taking his knife and reopening a wound on my side. I try to scream but I have no voice left.

With that he gives a satisfied smile and leaves the room. I spend the next twenty minutes drifting in and out of consciousness. I can hear people shouting but I have no idea what they're saying and I'm too tired to care. Maybe giving in is easier? Maybe I should just give in, it's not like I have anything waiting for me now. He's not mine and he wont ever be. I knew it was too good to be true. I turn my head to look outside as I feel myself slipping again. But as I do I see a flash of white shoot past. I wonder what that was! I shut my eyes and hang from my bindings. I may as well rest up now before my next beating is due. Maybe I should just..... give in to my ma- NO! I push that thought from my head as I fall asleep.

Aragorn's POV.

As soon as Saruman's body was impaled on the water mill I pushed my horse towards the step. Elayna is up there somewhere and I am not leaving until I find her. I take the steps two at a time and I know instinctively that Leoglas is behind me. Together we clear the first four floors before we come to the room. There is a body hanging from a hook. My poor darling. She hangs limp and I can't tell if she's breathing or not. The two of us run over to her and as I touch her to try and wake her she rouses and screams. It seems to hurt her. Though when her eyes focus and she sees Legolas and I she starts to cry. "Oh darling," I say as I go to caress her face. She flinches and moves away from me as much as she can. I frown. "Darling?" I call but my heart falls when she whispers one word in a pain filled voice. "Don't! Just don't! Leave me".  My heart sinks, what the hell has happened?

"Elayna?" I call. "You fell! I mourned you... and then you chose her!". She's not making much sense. "What..." I get cut off by her screech. "YOU CHOSE HER!". I rock back on my heels. "What are you talking about?" I snap. She's injured and I just want to help but it's obvious I need to straighten her head out first. "Éowyn... I saw you hug her... you knew I was gone and you hugged her like you were intimate with  her.... like you hug me. I don't want to be with you because I can't be with you and not with you!". I shake my head. "You saw us?". How the hell could she have seen us? "Saruman had a Palantír..." her voice is soft and I can tell it hurts for her to speak. "First, stop being foolish! It is hurting you to speak so stop doing so. Second, I would not choose Éowyn over you. In a heartbeat I would give you a dagger to make me less of a man before I would take another woman. They wanted you to see that to hurt you. Ask Legolas, they never told me you weren't safe in the cave with the women and children until after the damn battle was over! Woman, I love you! I want you and not anyone else!".

My voice is soft as I speak and I kiss her when I am finished. "Now lets get you down so we can get you back to Edoras and get you fed and healed! Just tell me you love me first!". She cries and nods as Legolas cuts the ropes around her wrists, freeing her and I catch her as she cries out in pain. "I love you! I felt like I had died when you fell off that cliff and more so every second since. I love you so much Aragorn!". She kisses me as I scoop her up into my arms as gently as possible to avoid hurting her further. She snuggles into me and is asleep before we get back down. I pass her over to Legolas as I mount my horse and he then hands her to me. I can tell everyone is concerned and I want to know what has happened to her as much as they do but I shake my head as I raise a single finger to my lips. "Let her rest! Heaven knows she needs it right now!" I say quietly. Looking down at her as we move away from this cesspit I catalogue her marks and bruises. One thing is for certain, if I ever catch the asshole that did this to my love he'll get the same returned to him tenfold before I kill him!

Hey guys,

Hope you like this one! You know the drill!

Love yas,


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