Chapter thirteen: Saying goodbye

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Elayna's POV.
Panic ensued in the next few minutes. We couldn't find Boromir and Aragorn took off through the trees. I was about to follow when Legolas and Gimli told me to stay with the hobbits. It wasn't long after the Sam, Merry and Pippin took off into the trees. I followed them but lost sight of Sam so I followed Merry and Pippin. They ran and we heard what sounded like swords so we ducked down behind a bush. I look over and see Frodo run and hide behind a tree. Some Uruk-Hais run past, not seeing him or us. "Frodo!" Merry calls and he looks over at us. Taking his time looking at us. "Hide here. Quick! Come on!" Pippin beckons? Frodo looks at us, anguished, then shakes his head. "What's he doing?" Pippin asks. I gasp and say sadly, "He's leaving". "No!" Pippin yells both because Frodo is leaving us and because I darted forward across the clearing to Frodo and hug him close. "Stay safe. I love you! I swear to god Frodo Baggins if you die on me I'll bring you back to life to kill you myself am I clear," I say through tears as he hugs me closer. "I know you'll be safe. Aragorn will look after you. I love you so much," he says. "Go. Forgive me for this," I say. He looks at me confused and I let him go before stepping back into he clearing. Merry and Pippin come to stand beside me and we look to see several Uruk-Hai are coming down the hill, towards where they stand. We stare at them, then Merry turns to Frodo. "Run, Frodo! Go on!" Merry says in a low voice. I look at the other two and back to Frodo before opening my mouth. "Hey! Hey, you! Over here!" I shout as loud as I can. Pippin, Merry and Frodo look at me in surprise, then Merry and Pippin understand the deal. "Hey!" Pippin calls. "Over here!" Merry shouts. "This way!" the boys shout as they wave their arms around. We run away from Frodo and I can tell the Uruk- Hai are following us. I stop briefly to see Frodo run in the opposite direction to us and I breathe a sigh of relief before taking off again. "It's working!" Pippin shouts. "I know its working! Run!" I shout at both of them.

We run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, we stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them from another direction. The Uruks are closing in, both in front and behind. An Uruk runs up to us,raising his axe. But, before I could draw my sword Boromir comes charging in, knocks the Uruk back, and kills him with his sword. He throws a knife at another. We all start running again as Boromir put the Horn of Gondor to his lips and blows into it. Three loud ox-horn blasts are heard. Boromir and I kill another few Uruks before he sounds the horn of Gondor again. "Run! Run!" he says to us. The Uruks attack Boromir. He kills two more. A particularly mean looking one walks slowly into view, lifts his bow, aims a big black arrow, and shoots it into Boromir's left shoulder. I scream. He gasps for breath and the hobbits look at him in shock. Boromir drops to his knees, begins to breath hard, and looks at the hobbits and then to me. Uruks come closer, but he gives a battle cry, rises, and swings his sword at one, who falls. The bowman growls, lifts his bow, and shoots again. A black arrow flies into Boromir's stomach. "NO!" I scream. He drops to his knees again, gasping. But he swings his sword at another Uruk and gets back up. The bowman shoots him one more time, in the chest. Boromir falls on his knees and stays there, swaying a little and blinking. Merry and Pippin look at him in shock. I scream in a rage and take on a few Uruks before I hear Merry and Pippin scream, "Shire!". I turn and kill another Uruk and watch in horror as the Uruk-Hai lift them up and carry them off. Merry and Pippin wave their arms frantically. "MERRY! PIPPIN! NO!" I scream. I try to get to them but another Uruk blocks my way, then pushes me towards Boromir. I land beside him on the ground and cover his back with my body as the Uruk-Hai troop runs past us.

We stare after the hobbits, helpless. I know I'm crying. I hear footsteps and then I turn around. The bowman, now left alone, stops ten feet from us and takes aim with his bow again. Boromir swallows and stares back at him. I step in front of Boromir and the Uruk growls at me. "Move girl," it hisses. "No, you will have to go through me first," I stand defiant with my sword in my hand. He lowers the bow and I move forward, making sure I'm still protecting Boromir. He moved faster than expected and punched me in the stomach. The pain was so intense I dropped to my knees and let go of my sword. The Uruk kicked it away and pulled me to my feet by my hair. "You will have to come with me too I'm afraid," he sneers at me as he pulls me over to another tree. He quickly ties my hands and feet together and ties another piece of rope loosely around my neck, then he ties that piece to the tree. "ARAGORN!" I scream and then he slaps me across the face so hard my lip split. "Hopefully the Master will let us have some fun with you when he's finished with you," he says as he runs his hand down my body. I spit at him, repulsed and he pushes me back against the tree. I hit my head, hard. He then walks back to Boromir and takes aim again. Just as he is about to let go of the arrow, Aragorn crashes into him, and the arrow flies off harmlessly. I sigh in relief but scream as they start a fight. Aragorn loses his sword and is thrown to the ground. When he gets up, the bowman throws his shield at Aragorn and pins him by the neck against a tree. The bowman raises his sword and strikes, but Aragorn slips beneath the shield and dodges. I scream again. Aragorn pulls out a knife and stabs The bowman in the leg. He roars and knocks Aragorn to the ground, making him roll a few feet away. He then pulls out the knife of his leg and throws it at Aragorn, who has found his sword and uses it to bat the knife away. Aragorn closes in on the bowman and in a flurry of swordplay, slices his arm off and then stabs him in the chest. I have been pulling against the rope at my neck so it has tightened to the point that I cannot breather. The bowman grabs Aragorns sword and pulls himself up on the blade, closer to Aragorn, snarling. Aragorn grimaces, pulls his sword out of him, swings it wide, and hacks off his head. The rest of him falls to the ground. Aragorn pauses a moment, panting. He then notices me and runs over, cutting the ropes off me.

We run over to Boromir then. Boromir, pale and bloodied, is now lying on his back, his head close to a tree. "No," Aragorn whispers before falling to his knees beside Boromir and I took his other side. "They took the little ones," he says. "Hold still," Aragorn pleads. "Frodo. Where is Frodo?" Boromir asks. "I let Frodo go," Aragorn replies. "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him," I'm not shocked by the news but he needs forgiveness. "The Ring is beyond our reach now," Aragorn says quietly. "Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all," Boromir cries. "No, Boromir. You fought bravely. You have kept your honour," I insist through my tears. Aragorn reaches out to pull the arrows from Boromir, but Boromir grabs his arm to stop him. "Leave it! It is over. The world of Men will fall. And all will come to darkness, and my city to ruin," he cries in despair. "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail," Aragorn assures him. "Our people? Our people," Boromir chants. He reaches for his sword, but can't get it. I place the hilt in his hand, and Boromir clasps it to his chest. I see Legolas finally arrived running up, but stops and watches sadly from a distance. "I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king," Boromir says using his last breath and then the life faded from his eyes. Aragorn touches his hand to his forehead, then to his lips in respect. I put my head down onto Boromir's chest and begin crying uncontrollably. "Be at peace, son of Gondor," Aragorn finally whispers. He bends and kisses Boromir on the brow. Aragorn stands up, looking into the forest with a tear running down his face. "They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return," he says sadly.

We have laid Boromir to rest in one of the other boats. His sword rests with him, his shield is above his head and his cloven horn at his side. The boat slips over the falls of Rauros and then drops into the mists below. Gimli watches the boat disappear. Aragorn wears Boromir's vambraces in his honour. Legolas shoves the third boat into the water.
"Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore," Legolas says. I stand still, looking towards the shore on the other side, seeing the two Hobbits running into the forest. Aragorn says nothing but sighs. Legolas stares at him, suddenly understanding. "You mean not to follow them," he says. "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn confirms. "Then it has all been in vain. The Fellowship has failed," Gimli cries.
Legolas and Gimli walks up to Aragorn, who puts his hands on their shoulders. I remain staring out over the water. "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some Orc," Aragorn says and then he turns and picks up a dagger from the ground. Then he runs of into the forest. Legolas and Gimli look at each other, grinning. "Yes! Haha!" Gimli cries. They run after Aragorn. I look to my right, at the falls. "Goodbye Boromir," I say. Then straight out across the water. "Goodbye Sam, Goodbye Frodo," I say as I turn to follow the boys. When I turn around I see Aragorn standing there holding out his hand. He came back when he realised I wasn't with them. I take it and the two of us run off to save our friends.

Hey guys,

So the end of the fellowship. Will have the fist chapter of the two towers up soon.

Much love,

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