Chapter 4: Vexx

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Elayna's POV.

We finish dinner in silence. Once it was over Sauron stands and walks behind my chair, securing me to it again. "Stay still and stay quiet my love, I have something important to attend to now," he whispers in my ear as Uruks, Orcs and two Nazgûl enter the room. The minute, but still me, part of me whimpers in fear and I can't help but whimper out loud. All the attention turns to me and I see some of the orcs step back when they see my eyes. Though the Nazgûl start hissing in what I assume is laughter. "Reports?" Sauron asks and immediately I realise that he wants to hear how his army is doing, but also that he wants to show I have been broken. The Uruks and Orcs give reports on their legions and the Nazgûl on themselves and the Easterlings and Southrons. They also say that support will be coming from the sea from the Corsairs of Umbar. I sit there quietly as they speak. This continues for a while until they leave, only a solitary Nazgûl and Sauron remain. "Is it ready?" Sauron asks and receives a nod in response. He then smiles and moves towards me. "Come my dear, I have a present for you!" he speaks softly as he releases me from my bonds. Then he takes my hand and starts leading me outside. I gasp in awe at the sight in front of me. A huge... ugly looking reptilian sort of bird is there. I would have thought it was a fire drake if I did not know that they were all dead.

"This my dear one, is a fell beast! He's yours and he will carry you into battle," Sauron speaks as the bird thing starts to sniff us. I slowly take a step towards it. It growls softly but lowers its head and gently butts its face against my outstretched hand. "He's mine?" I ask softly. But everything freezes, everyone has stopped moving and is watching me. "He's yours," Sauron agrees and I smile. "I'm calling him Vexx," I don't speak any louder but I can tell everyone has heard me. Sauron chuckles but says nothing further as I step closer to Vexx and press my forehead against him. As I do, I feel something sliding around my neck. "To replace that other piece of crap you have that girl!" Sauron whispers in my ear before taking my hand and spinning me around. Once he's confident everyone has seen me he pulls me back towards his fortress. The necklace fits tightly around my neck, almost like its holding me. Like a hand on my throat. I shiver as Sauron leads me downstairs, under the ground. We walk for what feels like forever until we come to a room that you can almost smell the fear in. It's full of cages around the outside, some full and some empty. I gasp when I see one with a small child in it and rush over. Sauron's hold on me seems to be overcome. "What have you done? How could you do this to a child?" I whisper as I reach through the bars and gently place my hand on the child's cheek. He whimpers, but I quickly realise it's in fear of me when I feel a hand wrap itself in my hair.

"Now, now! Is that how you speak to me pet?" Sauron's voice is amused, but chiding. And just like that the darkness snaps back into place. "No master! I'm so very sorry, please forgive me," I sound supremely contrite. I gasp when he drags me to a cage opposite the child and throws me in. "I'll be back for you in the morning. And if you are not exactly how I have left you I will kill whoever damaged you! Do you understand?" his voice is soft so others don't overhear and I nod. "Yes master". He smiles and strokes a finger down my cheek before closing and locking the door to the cage. The second the door closes behind him another opens down the far end and two Orcs and an Uruk walk in carrying a whipping post. It's set up in front of my cage and within a minute one of the prisoners is strapped to it. They proceed to scream until they have no voice left or they pass out from pain as the Uruk whips them. With each strike, witnessing each blow I can feel the part of me, the part that is good, get smaller as I anticipate each strike. This continues all night, prisoner after prisoner until Sauron comes back and they drag the child from his cage. He's screaming and crying and I cannot help it. "Master, please! He's just a child. If it will please you I will take his lashes," I can hear the desperation in my voice. Sauron reaches through the bars and pulls me towards him. "Do. Not. Interfere!". I flinch at the pure anger in his voice. Then I watch in terror as the Uruk raises his whip. "Stop! You will not let anyone harm this child!". I couldn't help it.

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