Chapter 7: The aftermath

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(Mature scenes in this chapter, warning advised)

Elayna's POV.

In the initial minutes after being free I completely forgot about my injuries, that is until I try to pick up the sword that I had dropped. The second I moved my fingers I screamed in pain as I had the eyes of many ghosts, an elf, a dwarf, a wizard and the man I love on me. I missed what happened after that as Gandalf called over a soldier and I was hauled, bodily back into the city, screaming and crying all the way. I was in so much bloody pain that I passed out. I remember coming to and hearing some harsh whispers but I quickly passed out again. When I awoke full it was to an empty room. The door was open and there was a soldier standing in the doorway. I tried to stay silent but the second I moved the pain in my ribs made itself known and I cried out. The soldier turned to face me before calling out for a lady called Sarah. She came bustling in, her energy bright and cheery, the complete opposite to the sentry at the door. "Welcome back my Lady, you had us all quite worried!" her voice is soft, reassuring as she gently helps me sit, then stand. She gently moves me towards a waiting bathing chamber and helps me strip off. "Where am I?" I sound scared, I can only remember snippets of what has happened and even now, despite being free of Sauron's control, I can feel the beast in me stirring. "You're in the houses of healing, now, quickly into the water. Your wizard friend has enchanted the bath to soothe and heal further. So when you get out you should be all fixed up," as she speaks she helps me step into the sunken pool and I sigh in relief. It's almost like all the pain has been sucked from my body. After a few minutes I have noticed that Sarah has not left, instead she is watching from a chair in the corner. "Have they sent you to watch me? To be sure I don't kill anyone?" I try to sound unconcerned but even I hear the worry in my voice.

She shakes her head. "No my Lady, our King has returned. He has helped us win this battle, and has informed us that you were under a spell, which as you can imagine, not everyone believes is true. But I can see the pain and guilt in your eyes and though you've gotten into the pool you look tense, as if your expecting something bad to happen. But our King has claimed you, as his partner, to be his queen! So I am your lady in waiting, Sarah Greenshaw, a pleasure to make your acquaintance my Lady," she stands and curtseys. I just stare at her. The beast has begun whispering to me to kill her, to maim. I shake my head before completely submerging myself. Once I resurface, I scrub myself until my skin is raw. Then begin to walk out of the pool. Sarah immediately helps me dry off and dress. The dress is simple, but feels restrictive. The material flows around me, but it makes this beast inside want to claw it off. I whimper, I thought whatever Gandalf did had freed me.

 I whimper, I thought whatever Gandalf did had freed me

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