Chapter 1: An Exceed's Birthday

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-Yukino P. O. V.- (Note: Mermaid Heel is not destroyed yet. This is the story of how it happens.)

Things were pretty calm around the guild, actually. Ever since Minerva came back, we've been pretty happy. Sting was doing a great job as master, Rogue was obsessing over Frosch, a little more than usual today for some reason, and Orga was trying to convince Rufus that he could use his music to Memory Make a new attack. Silly.

"What are you thinking about, Yukino?"

Minerva's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Nothing. Just. Doesn't it seem like Rogue is obsessing over Frosch a little more lately?"

We looked over at Rogue and instead of being a little reserved or quiet, he was going up to every female member, shoving Frosch in their face and yelling something. Then looking disappointed right before running over to the next girl.

"Yes, actually. Perhaps we should ask him?"

I nodded. "Yes. We sho-"

"Is this the girl, Frosch!!??"

Rogue had shoved Frosch in my face.

"No, Rogue." Frosch said with his normal smile, though it seemed to have less energy.

Instead of running away, Rogue just sat down at the table with us, looking down.

"Rogue, what is up with you? You're scaring all the ladies!" Minerva yelled at him.

Rogue looked up at us. "Well, I've been trying to find this girl that Froshe has been talking about. "

"A girl?" I asked. He nodded.

He put Frosch down and told him to go find Sting and Lector. Frosch then waddled away and towards the Mast- Sting's office.

"Don't tell him, but tomorrow is Frosch's birthday."

"He has a birthday?" Minerva asked.

"That's what Orga and Rufus said." He continued. "After Frosch hatched, I marked the day down. Tomorrow will be the day that the little guy turns 7 years old. So, I asked him if he ever wanted something that he doesn't have right now and he said that one time, he got lost and met two girls and that he wanted to spend time with one of them."

"Rogue, you're so dumb." Sting's voice made me jump a bit.

"S-Sting!" I said, surprised.

"Hey, Yukino." He smiled at me. I blushed a little bit.

"Anyway, Rogue. You remember that time when Frosch got lost right after we got our new pool?"

Rogue nodded, pulling out a calendar. "I mark every day that he gets lost, looking for a pattern or hoping that he does it less frequently, but so far, nothing."

"That's... almost more than a little weird..." Sting said.

"I agree." I said.

"I agree with the lovebirds." Minerva said, smirking.

I blushed, trying to ignore her. Seems like Sting did too.

"Anyway, Rogue. On that day, he ran into those two girls from Mermaid Heel! The crazy cat girl and the badass sword lady that beat Yukino! He probably wants to see them!"

Rogue nodded and walked over to the communication lacrima we have installed. "I'll call them and arrange for us to visit tomorrow."

Sting stepped forward. "I'll come with. I'm sure Lector will want to be there for his birthday. Yukino, can you come too?"

I blushed and nodded. "Y-yes, Sting."

"Good. Now give me a minute to call them."

-Kagura P. O. V.-

Things around the guild were pretty... calm.

Millianna was the only one doing anything unusual. By that I mean that she wasn't doing anything unusual. She usually is hugging a stuffed cat or something, but she was sitting at the table with me, Risley, Beth, and Arana.

"Something wrong, Kagura?"

Speaking of Arana, that was her. "No, nothing. Say, Millianna."

The kitty girl looked at me. "What is it, Kagura?"

"Why aren't you doing anything with cat toys or stuffed cats or doing ANYTHING with cats? That's what you do all the time! Something bothering you?"

She shook her head. "No. I just have this feeling that something BIG involving a kitty is going to happen soon, and I want to be ready for it!"

"Funny y'all should mention that." Beth said standing next to our communication lacrima. "There's a call 'ere askin' for Kagura about some cat from Sabertooth!"

I walked over and picked up the lacrima. Sabertooth? Why would they call? I was expecting Yukino to call about our deal with her life for a while now, but a cat?

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.

"This is Rogue of Sabertooth." Rogue. One of the twin dragons?  "Is this Kagura or Millianna of Mermaid Heel?"

"Yes, this is Kagura. What business do you have of us?"

"I don't suppose you remember a green exceed in a pink frog suit, do you?"

I nearly gasped. I remember that exceed. He was ADORABLE!

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, tomorrow is his birthday and I'm pretty sure he wants to spend it with you!"

I nearly dropped the lacrima. "W-What time?"

"Around 6:00 pm"

"How many?"

"Only me, Sting, and Yukino. And of course Frosch, the birthday exceed. And Lector, Sting's exceed."

I could speak with Yukino about our deal, as well as the master. And I'm sure Millianna will be thrilled to see the little guy again. I am.

"How long?"

"As long as his precious heart desires!"

"...I agree. See you tomorrow."


"What is it?"

"Do you mind if I come over in an hour to scope out the area for anything... dangerous?"

I scoffed "Like what?"

He dropped to a whisper. "Actually, don't tell Sting, but I just want to bring a box of decorations and decorate early. Sting will tease me if he thinks I did it, so I'll just say that cat girl did it and everything will be fine!"

"Sure, why not? One hour. You're here."

"Got it. Thank you. Goodbye."


I hung up and went back to the table.

"What was that about?" Risley asked me.

"Millianna, you were right. Rogue from Sabertooth is coming over in an hour to decorate, because that green little frog exceed is having his birthday here!"

She squealed. "I knew it! We're going to have a kitty birthday!"

"I admit. This should be fun." I added.

"Yep, I have a funny feeling that tomorrow is going to be a special day!" Arana said.

If only we knew what was in store for us that day...

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