Chapter 19: Laying On The Bed

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Before this chapter begins, there are a few things that you should know. First thing is that this chapter is following up on the last chapter, meaning it's another REALLY fluffy Rogura.

Second thing, next chapter is going to be a big StingYu chapter, at the request of FairytailFanfic63

Third, I know I used this media picture last chapter, but it's freaking awesome and adorable, so I used it again.

Lastly and most importantly, you may die from all the fluffiness about to happen in this chapter. There is EXTREME fluffy feels this time around. I warn you: Tread carefully. Now enjoy your super special Rogura fluff chapter!


-Kagura P. O. V.-

"I also heard that comment at breakfast. You want to have my babies?" Rogue smirked as he revealed this to me.

It felt like my face was going to burn off.

"W-Why didn't you say anything at the time...?" I managed to say, albeit very quietly.

He snaked an arm around my waist, practically turning my face into a space heater. "Cause I wanted to talk to you about it... privately..."

And that was the moment that my face went from tomato to Erza.

"W-What did you want to talk about...?" I could barely stay calm.

He pulled me closer to him. "I want to talk about us."

My mind filled with... things...

These must be those dirty thoughts that Yukino talked about...

"W-What about us...?"

Rogue slowly pulled me closer until our faces were an inch apart, and out lips a few mere centimeters.

"Kagura..." He said.

"R-Rogue...?" I managed to say.

And then...







He pulled me into an embrace.

"Kagura... I..."

I silently wrapped my arms around his neck, awaiting his words.

"You need to know, Kagura. Ever since I first ran into you at Mermaid Heel, I've thought you are beautiful..."

I looked into his eyes.

"Ever since I first ran into you outside my guild... I've thought you were very handsome, as well." I told him.

He cupped my cheek with his hand. "Kagura..."

I gulped, extremely nervous. "Rogue..."

He leaned in closer, closing his eyes. I shut my eyes instantly, as well.

I could feel his breath, him getting closer...


Even closer...

Then I felt his lips on mine. (And you thought I faked you out, didn't you?)


I kissed back immediately, excited and nervous.

We were lying on his bed, kissing each other...

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