Chapter 8: Frosch's Innocence

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-Rogue P. O. V.-

I ran back to my room. I just... I couldn't answer her question...

I couldn't bring myself to say "yes..."

I was too nervous! I just met this gorgeous, amazing, wonderful girl... How can I say that I'm in love with her?! Sure, I would love to go on a date with her, I'd go on several, but... I can't bring myself to say it.

I was lying there on my bed, facing the ceiling, pondering what to do. She was sure to come after me, and probably ask me again.

Do I accept..? I want to, so badly, but I'm worried she'll just turn me down, saying we just met. But, would she do that? She asked me... What am I talking about, I'm crazy! Why would she love me when we just met?

I heard a small knock at the door. "Rogue...?"

Of course. Might as well face the music. "It's open..." I didn't lock it. I figured that I might as well talk to her instead of try to avoid it.

She opened the door and stepped inside. "Hello, Rogue..." She closed the door behind her and walked towards my bed.

I sat up, hanging my legs off the side of my bed. "Hi, Kagura..."

She sat down next to me. "Rogue... Are... Are you okay?"

I sighed. "I guess. I'm not sad, just... kind of embarrassed..."

"That figures. Frosch said some things that were... a bit too personal..."

I chuckled. "Yeah. He's too innocent."

She chuckled a little, too. "Yeah, that's an understatement."

A smiled and faced her. "One time, Minerva and I were trying to convince Sting to ask out Yukino. So, Minerva was being VERY forward, and Sting said that she was acting like she was trying to get them to have sex, and Minerva was like 'Is that a bad thing?'"

She almost burst out laughing, but put her hand over her mouth as to not wake the others, next door.

I continued. "So, Frosch asked us what sex was. And, to keep him innocent, as well as to not be awkward, I told him it's what two people do when they love each other."

"Is that all?" She looked really happy.

"No. So, right after I said that, Frosch walked up to Yukino, who was talking to Dobengal and Rufus. He told her something, and then she fainted. When we came over, Rufus said that Frosch told her that Sting wanted to have sex with her. And, though I know they both probably do, it was REALLY funny to see Frosch do that!"

Kagura smiled, warmly. "Yeah, that's hilarious. I found something to hang over her head, now. The next time I see her, I'm just gonna whisper 'You want to have sex with Sting?' in her ear and see what she does!"

I laughed. "She's gonna blush so hard!"

We both calmed down a little from our laughing. We sat in silence for a moment. I was about to say something, when she interrupted me.

"Rogue... Do you have a girlfriend...?"

I was shocked, and blushing. "N-No..."

"Do you... like someone?"

I blushed a bit more. "Y-Yes... Why?"

She seemed a bit disappointed. "No reason..."

We sat in silence for a few seconds. Then, I turned directly towards her, grabbed her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes.

"Kagura... Will... you... go on a date... with... m-me...?"

I don't know how I was able to say it... I also don't know who was blushing deeper. It was a moment, but she spoke softly.

"Yes, Rogue... I would love to go on a date with you..."

I smiled, nearly crying tears of joy, I was so nervous. I pulled her into a hug, embracing her body with mine. I loved every second of it. Her gentle body, gripping onto me with a strong grip that I hoped proved that she loved me back. I wished we could've stayed like that all day. Just like back at Mermaid Heel, I felt so... warm...

"So, are you two getting cozy, again?"

We pulled apart in embarrassment and looked at the door, showing Lector, looking at us with a sly smile.

"H-how long have you been there..?" I asked.

"I just walked in on you two hugging again." The exceed was so happy, with his cocky smile.

Kagura and I got up. "Well, I think we'd better go get ready for the trip today. Shall we?"

I smiled and kissed her cheek. "We shall."

And we left my room and headed for the main part of the guild, with her face as red as a beet.

-Yukino P. O. V.-

Sting was holding me in his arms and then jumped into the pool. When we hit the water, he let go and we started swimming normally. I swam up and surfaced. I looked around and didn't see Sting. Is he still under there?

"Sting!" I called out. "Where are you!?"

A splash of water to my back answered my question.

I turned around and faced Sting, who had a big, goofy grin on his face.

I smiled. "Really? You're doing that again?"

He swam a bit closer. "Yup! What, you don't like it?" He splashed me some more and I held my hand up to block some of the water. I kept my smile.

"Oh, you're on!" The two of us started splashing each other like crazy. We kept going until we heard a small giggle.

We looked and saw Frosch standing at the edge of the pool, smiling and giggling. We smiled at him. "Hi, Frosch." We both said.

He just kept giggling. "What's so funny?" Sting asked.

"Sting was making Yukino wet!"

The two of us kinda just swam in the same spot for a little bit, just taking in what he just said. I glanced over at Sting.

For once, I wasn't the only one blushing like crazy.

"S-so, Frosch. What are you doing here?" Sting managed to ask.

"Lector told Frosch to check on Sting and Yukino while Lector checked on Rogue and Kagura for Fro!"

I smiled. Of course Frosch was just being his usual innocent self. "Why did he need to check on Rogue and Kagura? What are they doing?"

"Kagura is going to be Frosch's mommy! Rogue and Kagura are doing mommy and daddy things!"

Sting and I looked at each other for a moment.

Then we jumped out of the pool, and ran towards Sting and Rogue's room.

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