Chapter 4: Cat Fight

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-Third Person P. O. V.-

"No! The kitty clearly meant me, Kagura! You don't care about kitties! I'm all about kitties!" Millianna yelled at her guildmate.

Kagura put Frosch down on a table next to them and glared at the cat girl. "I don't care what you say about how much you love exceeds, this one wanted to see me on his birthday and that is final!"

Millianna stood there for a moment, an angry look on her face. The members of Mermaid Heel and the visitors from Sabertooth looked on in worry, some of them trading nervous glances as if they were communicating through telepathy.

"This is bad." Sting whispered to his guildmates.

"What should we do?" Yukino whispered back to the master.

"Someone needs to talk to them. Calm them down." Minerva whispered, slightly louder, but not enough for the cat loving girls to hear her.

"Who should do that?" Rogue asked.

Every single one of his guildmates gave him a look that told him he was an idiot. Even Yukino.

"Seriously!?" the shadow dragonslayer quietly yelled in return. After a moment of nothing but their looks, Rogue sighed and set his present down on a table. He then slowly approached the argument.

"Kagura. Millianna." His voice cracked slightly from the tension he could feel between them. "It doesn't matter if Frosch only wanted to see one of you. I'm sure he would want to spend time with you both, even if he did only remember one of you."

Millianna brought out her claws and slashed Rogue, resulting the dragonslayer to fall backwards onto the ground. The front of his cloak had long scratch marks on it from his left shoulder to his right hip. Kagura's eyes widened as Rogue fell down and her hand gripped angrily around her sword handle. "Shut up! He clearly wants to see me and I'm not letting Kagura use up time that he wants to spend with me!"

Rogue was about to say something, but he was interrupted by Kagura swiping her sword between the two then kicking Millianna away. "Don't you dare hurt him!"

The cat girl staggered, but stayed on her feet. She crouched into a fighting position. "You wouldn't dare!"

Kagura crouched into a position to fight and pulled her sword out, pointing the dangerous weapon at her friend. "I would. Don't you even try to lay your hands on Rogue or you will fall where you stand!"

"Bring it, sister!" The two girls jumped at each other and started to have an enormous fight in the guild hall, jumping and slashing all over.

The guild immediately reacted. Almost every member hid behind a table that was knocked over or under a standing one. The Sabertooth members had run outside, since they still stood by the doors, except for Rogue, who still was lying on the ground trying to stand up, and Yukino, who instinctively went under a table. Under the table with her was Risely and Arana. Beth was under another table a bit away.

"Do they do this often!?" Yukino asked the girls.

"No, they don't." Arana answered. "They usually argue, but Kagura never pulls out Archenemy. She only uses it when she's serious."

"What could have triggered her?" Yukino wondered aloud. Her eyes then fell upon Rogue, attempting to gather his strength to pull himself up. "We have to help Rogue!" She told the mermaids.

"Wait." Risley said, holding her hand up as a sign to wait. Millianna flew into a pillar on the other side of the guild. "Now!"

The three girls ran out towards Rogue, but a strong arm held Yukino back. She turned her head to see Sting holding her by her waist. "S-Sting!?"

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