Chapter 3: The REAL Party

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-Sting P. O. V.-

"What do we do now?" Yukino asked me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I told her. She looked confused, though Minerva looked interested.

"It's time to go to Mermaid Heel!" Orga said, he and Rufus coming up to the table.

"Excuse me?" It was a rare thing to see Minerva confused.

"Tomorrow is not Frosch's birthday. Today is." I revealed.

"What!?" Yukino shouted.

"Last week, when Rogue got really drunk that one time after losing that bet I made with him, I changed his calendar. It's a day behind. I do it every year. The bet, not the calendar. I thought that this year, Rogue was too obsessed with Frosch's party. Lector! Where are you?"

Lector walked up to the table, he and Frosch carrying a box wrapped in a white wrapping paper and a red ribbon on top of a cake box.

"I remember that today is indeed Frosch's birthday. We shall head to Mermaid Heel now." Rufus said.

I picked up the boxes and we all started walking toward the door. "Yep! Let's go guys!"

Yukino was the last one to get up and follow us. "Let me get the door for you, Sting! You're carrying those heavy boxes!" She said worried, but polite as she opened the doors.

"Thanks, Yukino!" I said as I walked out. After me came Frosch and Lector, then Orga and Rufus, then Minerva, and finally Yukino, closing the doors. She then hurried up to my side.

"Sting, I have a few questions." She said.

"Ask away."

"How do you know that we won't have to decorate for the party?"

I laughed. "Rogue thinks that I don't know that he secretly decorates for Frosch's parties. He isn't scouting out for danger, he's decorating and planning on blaming it on Mermaid. We're good."

"That... makes sense. But, why do you think that Rogue was too obsessed with Frosch's party? Does he not get this upset every year?"

I chuckled. "No, he gets this upset every year, but it's only because he's worried about two things. I know that he's too obsessed with Frosch's party because he's not worried about the other thing."

"What's the other thing?"

"Yukino, you haven't figured it out, yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think that we're taking Frosch with us to the guild? If we were surprising Frosch, I'd have Minerva, Rufus and Orga bring him AFTER we brought the cake and present. And does it seem like we're not surprising Frosch at all?"

She thought about that for a moment. "True. It seems more like we're suprising-" She gasped. "No!"

I nodded. "You're a smart girl, Yukino."

"You mean...?"

I nodded again. "Yes. Today is not just Frosch's birthday.

It's also Rogue's birthday."

-Rogue P. O. V.-

We finished decorating in an hour. I've gotten to know Kagura's friends a bit. At least, their names. There were streamers and balloons everywhere, two tables were pushed together and draped with a tablecloth, and that cat girl who introduced herself as Millianna went around and gave everyone "party" hats that were actually cat ears. Kagura made her take them back. We hung up a banner that said "Happy Birthday Frosch." I was proud of what we did.

"Well, it looks like we're done." Risley said.

Kagura and I froze. "Really? Is that all I brought?"

"Yep!" Beth handed me my now empty cardboard box. "It's empty. We're out."

"I guess you'll be leaving, now." Arana said. "Such a shame. You're a nice guy. If this wasn't an all female guild, you'd be a good candidate for a member. Plus, I'm sure Kagura would vouch for you."

I blushed a bit, remembering what happened earlier. "I guess I will leave. See you tomorrow." I turned to leave, but was blocked by Risley, Arana, and Beth.

"You're not going to leave just yet." Risley said. "You are going to shake our hands, being the first man who we allowed to do something here. Kagura says you are okay, so prove it."

I shook their hands and walked to the door, only to be tackled halfway there. Millianna was hugging me tightly. "I'm so happy that we get to celebrate a kitty birthday! Please come back tomorrow!"

I got up, prying her off of me. "I will."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She bounced off to her friends.

I dusted myself off as Kagura walked up to me, looking away. "It's only fitting that I bid you goodbye as well. Being the one you called and all."

"That makes sense. I'm glad we could become friends!"


"Of course. What, did you expect to marry me or something? We just officially got introduced. We're friends now!"

She nodded. "True." She opened her arms. "And it's fine if friends hug each other goodbye..."

I noticed a faint blush. I also had one. "I g-guess..." I opened my arms and we hugged each other, cautiously. Soon, we moved and got a bit closer, hugging tighter. I could've stayed like that forever...

When the doors burst open.

"Happy Birthday Ro-"

I looked over my shoulder, too terrified to let go of Kagura as we both stood there, hugging and staring at my guildmates that had burst into the guild.

"I-It's not what it l-looks like!" We both said. That didn't help.

Yukino and Lector looked shocked, Sting, Minerva, Orga, and Rufus had smirks that were sly and slightly perverted, and Frosch looked really hap- Wait, FROSCH!!!

I let go of Kagura and went up to Sting. "Why did you bring Frosch here!? The party's tomorrow!"

He grinned. "Nope. I changed your calendar. Today is the day and I knew you would decorate this place, so here we are!"

"I didn't decorate, it was the cat girl..."

"Suuuuuuuuuure it was." Everyone except Yukino and Frosch said.

"Anyway, you brought Frosch's cake and present, too?"

"Nope, it's for you."

I blinked.

"Happy birthday, buddy."

"Rogue, what is he talking about?" Kagura asked.

"I forgot my own damn birthday." I said.

She turned around. "Change of plans, ladies! Today, we celebrate the exceed's birthday, and the birthday of our new friend, Rogue!"

The guild filled with cheers as Sting hands me my present. "Open it up, buddy."

I was about to open it, when Frosch waddled over to Millianna. "KITTY!"

I chuckled, putting the box down for now. "Oh yeah. He talked about wanting to spend time with that 'girl'. He meant you or Kagura."

Millianna cradled him in her arms. "He clearly meant me! I love kitties more than anybody!"

Kagura walked over and snatched Frosch away and hugged him. "No, he meant me. This little guy is the most adorable thing on Earthland and I love him more than you ever will!"

This is about to get ugly.

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