Chapter 11

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Vicky's pov

Well looks like me and raph had taken the relationship up another notch. Me and raph decided to go up top. We were enjoying the night sky together.
I was sitting on his lap as his hands were on my thighs. I smiled at the thought.

We were going home till I saw a cute little fox on the ground. Instead of leaving the poor thing I decided to pick it up. Raph looked at me like I was crazy for holding the creature.

" Um Vicky I don't think brining the animal home with us is a good idea."

" Raphie why not." she pouted. So adorable.

" Well mikey is one reason. The second reason is that we're livin in the sewers." I said looking it's her eyes.

" Can we at least put her in the park?"

" I don't see why not."

Raphs pov

She jumped all happy like around me. I smiled to. We got to the park so Vicky could release the baby fox. She teared a bit. I held her close to me as we left towards the city. We were almost out of the park till we was surrounded by the foot. One of them had a can of mutagen?! ' Last time we saw mutagen was four years ago' I said inside my head.

They charged at us. Vicky is a good fighter but she wouldn't have a good chance against these guys. My arms were wrapped up by chains, holding me down. When they were done with me they went to Vicky. My girl! She then screamed.

" RAPH!! "

" VICKY! "

I yelled back as I saw her on the ground. They said something but I couldn't make it out. Trying to get free from the chains only back fired.
I tried and tried but no use. The only thing I could do was contact the others. Then I did.

Donnie's pov

I was in my lab making glasses that could see through any object. When I was screwing the twelve inch bolt, my phone rang. Who could be calling me at this time? When I was looking to see who it was I saw that it was raph.

" Helo."

" Don I need you guys right now!"

" What's wrong raph? "

" It's the foot. They wrapped these chains on me and can't get free. They are surrounding Vicky! They have mutagen Don!! "

" Where are you guys?! "

" At the park. The one mikey likes ta go to."

" Ok. We're coming. "

" Hurry! "

I grabbed my gear as I yelled out for Leo and Mikey. They came rushing in and asked me what was wrong. I told them everything. Leo was ready as well as mikey and me. I just hope we're not to late.

Vicky's pov

" You will be transformed into a mutant as a subject."

My eyes widened. Raph had his phone and called someone. Hopefuly one of his brothers at least. I was knocked to the ground before and still am. I tried to get up, but one of the guys pulled me back. I grunted in pain and furiosity as they pulled me down. The canister was open and the bluish green ooze was coming out. My body couldn't move at all. Why can't I move?! Stupid body why won't you move!!!!

Suddenly I felt the ooze poor all over me. It stung so bad!


They had let my arms go as I was yelling in pain. My body felt like it was on fire. Raph saw me with worry and anger. I called his name and he called mine. My boyfriend might not like me for what I'm going to turn into. I felt tears roll down my face.
He will still like you Vicky. He will I just know it. My thoughts all said together.

I was soon consumed by the bitter darkness that took me. Last thing I herd was my name being yelled.

Leo's pov

We came to the park where Vicky and raph were. Raph was chained down as Vicky was covered in the mutagen!
I told don to get raph free and Mikey to guard don. Vicky was unconscious after the mutagen was gone.

Raph was freed and ran towards me holding Vicky. His eyes showed guilt and sorrow. I gave her to raph and we headed to the lair. Don told raph to put her on the table. Vicky was covered with a white blanket. She was in the lab for three hours.

Raph was in the lab sleeping. He looked like a wreck. I can tell he blames himself for what happened.
Sympathy consumed me when I looked to raph then to Vicky. They had a tight relationship and nothing could break it. I sighed and left the room.

Mikey's pov

Dude I feel really bad for raph. Vicky was hurt and she's unconscious. It's been three hours bro. Leo walked out the room looking all sad and stuff. Vicky's like our little sister but Raphs girlfriend. I don't evan know what she'll turn into.

Vicky's pov

Ugh my head hurts. What happened?
I removed the white blanket and got down from the table. I didn't make any noise since raph is asleep. I felt like eating hotdogs for some reason.
When I was about to go out I saw my reflection. Oh my god! I'm part fox and part human?!

I started to panic as my breaths were getting faster. My whole body was sweating. I touched my fox ears and tail. This is only a dream! This is only a dream! I told myself and then I yelled it by accident.

" This is only a dream!! "

Raph woke up to see me on the floor shaking and crying. My face was dug into my knees. Then three pairs of feet came running to the room. Raph held me tight saying its not a dream. The whole thing seemed like a dream.
The memories came flooding in. I remembered what happened though I wish this hadn't happened at all.

" Whoa." mikey looked at me.

" I'm a-a freak a-arent I? " my voice shaky.

" No babe. Your not a freak." he said wiping my tears away.

He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. The others gave me a warm smile. I got up as raph made sure I didn't fall. Mikey gave me a smile handing me a card. I took it to see that it's all of us as a big family. I gave mikey a warm hug to say thank you.

" How long have I been out?"

" Three hours and two minutes and thirty-five seconds, but who's counting." donnie said while he chuckled.

" Wow. " I said smiling at Donnie.

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