Chapter 1

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This is just another ordinary day. I'm just getting ready to go to school. If you hadn't known yet my name is Vicky O. Shatner and I'm 16.
School is just something I hate so much.
Hell I hate half the kids in my class including them stupid teachers as well.

"Hey Vicky. Can't believe we have only 3 weeks till we graduate! " April said with an enthusiastic tone.

April is my only trust worthy friend of mine.

" Yup can't wait " putting my books away while I talked to her.

"well I'll see you in biology then. "
Then we took our separate ways.

It was boring in Mrs. Klamers class.
She was old and looked about 70 years old Evan older than that! I chuckled to myself.
The bell rang telling us to go to lunch.
Lunch was same old same old, but today was much more different.
Molly spring was a old friend of mind but I pushed her away because of my past. She came up to me while I was eating my sloppy Joe. Molly went to dump her tray of food all over my head.
"Ooooo" is what the cafeteria responded to Molly's act.

I calmly walked to the bathroom to clean myself up. I'm not gonna get in some pathetic argument that will end up in a fight. As I walked out my bag was unzipped. Walking over as calm as I could be I'd seen my bag filled with sloppy Joe and chocolate milk.
My rage was now off the charts.
Face burning up with rage I stomped over to Molly's table with bald up fists ready to knock the crap outta her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
I said.

"Oh, you mean what I did to you and your ugly backpack. I just went to dump your food and stuff away in the garbage can" she said with an evil smirk.

" You need to stop this childish act right now before you end up taking a one way down to the hospital. I'm no longer putting up with you. " I then punched the daylights out of her.

I soon saw her spit out blood and she started crying. As she started crying she told the Dean and now I'm in the principal's office. Mr. Phaser told me I need to act right because I'd be graduating in 3 weeks.
I rolled my eyes as he told me to leave. It's not my fualt! That "dog" started the whole thing! In the principal's office he gave me a Saturday school picking up trash around the city with other kids. 'just perfect for little ol me'
I said sarcastically in my head.

I got back home and just Plop down on my chair and started writing my English 2 honors essay on " the metamorphosis". It was weird and fascinating to read as the dude changed to a roach. The book was too long though.
At 2a.m I heard some noises above my room. I went to check it out and when I did I saw what looked like 4 tall reptiles.

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