chapter 2

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chapter 2:

heyyyyyy I hope you liked the first chapter so here is my second chapter thanks for reading!!!! xD


Katie's POV:

I stared at phoebe as we walked out of the dance recital.

"You did great up there!" I giver her a side hug. "Aw thanks, but I think you did better than me." Phoebe says being nicer than usual.

"What?" Phoebe asked. I smiled weakly and shook my head.

"uh huh sure nothing...." she smiled widely, "have you decided yet!" She asked with excitement. I nodded slowly.

"Oh my bieber! What was your decision!" she smiled widely and started to jump up and down.

I was wondering how she would react, okay here it goes.

"Phoebs I have decided, that I'm NOT going and that is my final decision." I stared at her as her smile turned into a frown, she stopped walking and looked down.

"Why!" she asked.

"I already told you like a million times why and for your information my answer is not always yes Phoebe." she started walking faster to catch up to me. I know I was being rude but for the last time IM NOT GOING TO SEE JUSTIN BIEBER!

"But it would be better with you!" she stepped in front of me and stopped.

"Phoebe look I love you and all but I'm not going to see that idiot Bieber!" I replied back.

She gasped, I could tell she was taken back, "okay Katie one, Justin is not a idiot! So just to let you know, I wouldnt be talking shit about Justin to a belieber. And two, I just wanted you to go cause I thought it would be fun with you!"

"well my final decision is N-O which spells NO!" I opened my car door and watched Phoebe get in from the other side.

"Fine but you'll regret it!" Phoebe spoke as she put on her seatbelt.

Silence filled the air, it was pretty awkward, me and Phoebe never got in a argument for something this stupid. the fact that she wanted to see that douche Justin Bieber was stupid I don't even see what she finds good in him.

I parked in front of Phoebes house, she quickly got out without looking at me, before she shut the door I decided to speak.

"loo-" I started to say as someone toke the chance to interrupt me.

"There's nothing to say Katie I just wanted you to have a chance to see justin and see what kind of guy he is..... But, NO someone wants to be rude. That's all I have to say okay Bye talk to you some other day." she made a fake smiled and shut the door and walked into her house.

"whatever....." I mumbled as I made my way to my house which was only two minutes away.

I parked my car on the side of my house. I got out as wind blew my hair to all different directions. I opened my door and plopped on my couch. I searched for the remote which In my luck was under the sofa.

I turned on the tv and ran to the kitchen for popcorn to fill my mouth with. I walked back to the couch and started up at the clock which read that it was three thirty. Ugh there's nothing to do. I got comfy on the couch and started to go through all the channels.

"popstar Just-" I stopped and went back a few channels and watched the news that Justin Bieber was on, today just isn't my day.

"Bieber and Selena Gomez claim not together anymore." I snickered, who would want him anyway. I turned off the tv I've heard enough of this.

I ate just a bit more of my popcorn and drifted into a long nap.

"Honey we're home!" I sat up against the sofa rubbing my eyes.

"Huh?" I looked around the living room which was dark.

"We're home from our trip honey" I felt the couch sink as I turned to see who was next to me.

"Oh hey mom, sorry I must have feel asleep... I didn't know you guys were coming back today." I replied.

"It's okay, well I just woke you up to tell you that we were back, sorry to wake you from your beauty sleep. Anyway how was the recital?" she asked.

I can't believe she remembered about my dance recital, well I could but not know cause she barley came home from her trip and she had so much stuff going on and she remembered.

"It was great!" a smile curved up from my lips.

"that's good! how's Phoebe!" she asked.

Mom knew Phoebe since she was born and me Phoebs grew up together so my mom is like a mom to her and her mom is like a mom to me.

I faked a smile "she's um g-good I guess." She looks at me unconvinced.

"okay you guys are best friends and I could tell something happened! now what is it?" she just wanted to know didn't she.

I rolled my eyes before I spoke "It was over something stupid." I sighed

she looked at me and spoke "Well spill!"

This is why I love my mom she cares about everything I do and she just is so caring about everything and anyone.

"Okay so long story short phoebe wants me to go see this guy 'Justin Bieber' but I told her that I didn't want to go see him so I said no. Then she started yapping about how she wanted me to go to have a change of heart and that I shouldn't talk bad about him." I stared at the ceiling.

"Well I think that you should go she's inviting you and you should take that opportunity. Plus you might like it." she winked and left to her room.

She just left me here thinking about what to so I really didn't want to see the guy but she is my best friend and if I let her down, that wouldn't be a best friend now would it.


well this is my second chapter! I'm really proud of it! I wanna know what you guys think of it =D do you like it! hopefully you do! I know these are short but they will get longer :)

thanks for reading!

follow me on instagram: @r5andbiebs

fan,vote,comment?? xD

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