Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Hey you guys! I left you hanging in the last chapter :"D whoo!! So here's the next chapter :) this chapter I took some real life experiences, my bieber experience:) I was at the arena at 10:34am and I saw Justin's tour buses and cried my life out when he came and then he did a peace sign out the window and then I was getting squished cuz I was right in front but it was the best day of my life even though I didn't meet him. <3

Anyway I'm getting carried away here's the next chapter>>>


Katie's POV:

"Ahhh oh my gosh! Katie! This is not happening! This isn't real life! Katie we are meeting j-j-justin!" Phoebe buried her hands in her face.

"Wait... What!" I stared at her Phoebe with a blank face. Did she just say that! Hell no! I am not going to meet that douche-bag Justin fuckin Bieber!

"Did you just say that we are, wait excuse me... YOU are meeting Justin Bieber!?" I spat in her face.

She stared at her phone still bawling her eyes out.

She nodded slowly and dropped her phone.

"WHAT!" I ran a hand through my loose hair.

"Oh my bieber! We're meeting Justin Drew Bieber my idol! I can't believe this Katie! Oh and by the way your going too!" Her face lit up.

"Wait, b-but how? How did you get the meet and greets?" I asked confused.

"Okay so a month a-ago..." She cleared her throat and continued.

"So a month ago I entered this contest on Justin's website, Bieberfever..... And it was to promote believe, his album. And I tried to promote it all the possible ways and I am ONE of the people who won!" She started to cry again.

"Ugh are you like fuckin serious! I am not meeting him! I don't want to!" I yelled out and threw my hands in the air.

I got up from the floor and started to head upstairs.

"Wait where are you going?" Phoebe looked up from her phone to me.

"Well if I'm meeting this guy I need to be dressed up better, for example finish doing my hair."

"OMB really! Thank you so much! Your the bestest friend ever!" She squealed and continued to look at whatever was on her phone.

I rolled my eyes at what she said 'bestest' I don't even think that's a real word.

I walked into phoebes bathroom and started to curl my hair, piece by piece.

I'm only doing this for Phoebe I don't want to meet this guy.

I walked out the bathroom and walked downstairs to see phoebe fixing her makeup.

I stood right next to her.

"So, someone's getting all girly for this." I gestured my hands to all the makeup that was on her face. It looked ridiculous.

"Hahaha very funny Katie, and someone decided to curl their hair for like the first time." Phoebe said sarcastically.

I stuck out my tongue out at Phoebe and walked over to the kitchen.

Oh what to eat what to eat.

I reached my hand out for a nice green apple when I got pulled away from the kitchen.

"Phoebe what the hell, I can't get a apple!" I turned to face phoebe chewing on the apple I wanted.

"Sorry, do you want it now?" She reached her hand with the apple over to me.

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