Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I'm sooooo sorry that this happened -.- there was some bugs. it's so freaking confusing I uploaded chapt. 9 then 10 and 10 ended up being first so I Re-uploaded them in order and it ended up being a new story so .-. I'm so sorry I'll make up for it I promise <3


*day of date*

Katie's POV:

I woke up and stretched my arms. I got up to go to the bathroom, my legs had pain from yesterday. Wait hold on yesterday. I'm going on a date with Justin oh now I remember.

I limped out the bathroom and called Phoebe not looking at what time it was.



KATIE: hey it's Katie

PHOEBE: you do know what time it is right?!

Katie: um no not really, but I'm calling you cuz I need to tell you something.

PHOEBE: okay what's up...

KATIE: come over so I could tell you I also need you help with something, but I'll tell you that when you come over.

PHOEBE: okay I'll be there in 2 minutes.


I found some sweats and a tank top, that I slid into quickly before Phoebs comes here.

'Knock knock'

I got off my bed and quickly went down stairs excitedly.

I opened the door and saw Phoebe standing there. She walked past me and plopped on the couch.

I sat next to her. And began talking.

"So guess what?!" I squealed, I don't know why I was so excited if I didn't really like the guy.

"What!!" She squealed with me getting excited.

"You know yesterday when I was asked to be the OLLG..." She nodded and motioned me to continue.

"Well... After Justin told me to meet him in this room and I am so so sorry that I lied to you I guess that I didn't want anyone to know so If your mad a-" I got cut off by Phoebe.

"Look Katie I'm not mad at you now continue the story!" She yelled out the last part.

"Okay so then I got to the room and he asked me on a date!!" I screamed, wait why the hell am I screaming, he's just a normal person.

Phoebes mouth was dropped open. I would be shocked to if her idol asked her out.

"OMB you're lying please tell me your lying you're lying right?" She asked shocked not believing what I just said.

"Nope it's all true." I stated. Phoebe started jumping up and down she was more excited then me.

"What times the date!! Oh and can you tell me how Justin is, and can you tell me how he smelt, and Oh can yo-" I sighed loudly.

"No no no, oh and the date is at seven, at the park." I grinned.

She toke hold of my hand without warning and dragged me up to my room. She placed me on my bed and motioned me to go take a shower. I did as I was told.

I got out the bathroom in a pair of sweats and a tank top. I went over to my bed that had 3 outfits that Phoebe made. They were all really pretty I couldn't choose from just one.

"Um I think the floral one. Yea...." I pointed over to the floral top with skinny jeans and a black fleece, with flats.

"Good choice." She giggled. She handed me the outfit and told me to go change, so I did.

I came out and Phoebe started doing my hair into wavy curls at the end of the tips. She applied light make up which was foundation, mascara, and lip gloss.

I got up and walked towards the mirror. For the first time I thought I looked pretty.

By the time that we were finished it was 4, yes it toke forever! But It was worth it.

What to do...what to do, I'll just watch tv until 7 I guess. I shrugged and walked towards the couch with Phoebe following me. We sat and waited.


I guess I must have feel asleep. I looked over towards the clock and it was 6:35 oh my god I need to go like NOW!

"Phoebe I got to go bye." She waved and went back to sleep on my couch, eh whatever.

I ran out the door and went off to the park.

Justin stood there with roses in his arms. I walked up to him and blushed. He lifted up my chin and kissed my cheek. I blushed harder. He handed me the roses and I thanked him. We began walking towards a picnic table that was decorated as a restaurant theme.

I sat down on the bench on the other side of Justin. We ate spaghetti, and it was delicious.

"This is so good who made this?" I asked him, he chuckled and responded.

"My grandma." He looked down and blushed. Aw he's scute.

We finished eating and sat under a tree playing 21 questions. We were on question 12 and it was my turn.

"Okay best friend?" I giggled.

"Ryan and chaz." He smiled.

"Hey I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back." I suddenly had the urge to pee. He nodded and I walked to the bathroom.

I walked in did my stuff and checked my makeup, everything was perfect today! Justin kissed my cheek, which gave me a ton of butterflies and he's completely honest that's the thing that I learned about him today.

I walked out the bathroom regretting that I did...

Selena was kissing Justin and Justin kissed back? They soon started talking and giggling. I can't believe this! What should I do?!

"Jason, I'm serious when are you going to kill her?" I heard Selena's squeaky voice say to Justin.

I stepped back inside the bathroom and decided to ease drop. Who was Jason? Why did she say kill me? Wait were they talking about me? I had a million of questions going on in my mind right now that I couldn't answer.

"I'll do it soon I always do..." Justin replied Selena.

Wait what???


Okay since I Re-uploaded this chaptie again, I know I already asked you this but..... who is Jason ;) I know alot of you know cause you read chapter 10 before I deleted it. haha I'll post chapter 10 soon in about 5 minutes.

Okaii lol that's it I love you guys byeeee




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