Chapter 12

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I stared at my school that was repainted. I walking in those two double doors that entered "Stratford high" I toke a look around looking at all the familiar faces that I have been with for years. Some even since grade school. One person caught my eye, it was Justin.

Why the hell was he here?! Wait, please don't tell me he's coming to this school! ugh, well this day is going splendid isn't it. I can tell that I'm going to love this day. Note my sarcasm please.

I heard Phoebe gasp. I haven't told her about what happened yesterday, and she should be the first one to know. I watched as Phoebe go from normal to fangirl mode. I made my way towards my locker as quickly as I could ignoring Justin and leaving Phoebe behind. I felt Justin's eyes following me. Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore. I don't think I told you guys but, Selena goes to this school, so I'm going to have to handle them all freakin' day.

I heard footsteps walking faster towards me, I increased my speed. My hands turned into fists, ready to do some damage to whoever was behind me. I felt the person from behind touch my shoulder. I quickly turned around furious, wanting to see who was following me to my locker. Of course is was no one other than the popstar Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez.

"What." I managed to spat out. Justin chuckled and spoke. "You actually thought I liked you." I looked down and turned on my heel ready to go the other way. "Who would ever like you! You are a worthless piece of shit!" Selena dived in for a kiss and succeeded. Justin looked back at me and chuckled. "No one will ever like you, look at you... you're a slut." Tears started to form in my eyes. But I knew that what he had said was true, I mean I've had so many boyfriends, and broke up with all of them because they weren't the one, but maybe they were

I turned around and continued to walk towards my locker. I opened the combination lock and shoved my stuff that I didn't need for first period in there. I heard Justin and Selena laugh together, they weren't that far away. Ugh this day is going to be very long.

I walked towards English class without making any eye contact with anyone. I entered and to my surprise I was the only one there, other than my teacher Ms.fray. I had her last year. She's like the most awesomeness teacher ever! She's in her late 20's and has short wavy blonde hair. She's just really fun to hang out with.

"I see someone's early." I heard Ms.Fray say behind me. I chuckled and turned around forcing a smile. "Yeah just thought that I could help around, to get the classroom ready for today." I shrugged, when really the truth was that I was just running away from my problems... like always. Her expression changed from a small smile to a wide smile. "Awe you're always, too kind Katie." I chuckled. "Well I got everything set, so you could just do whatever you'd like for now." she said as she wrote down stuff on the whiteboard. "So how was your summer?" she asks. "Just like everyone else's, not wanting to come back to school." I laugh, as she does also continuing to write whatever she was writing.

I pulled out my phone and started texting Phoebe. 'guess who I just saw?' I texted. My face hardens as I look up and see Justin come in giggling with Selena, along with the rest of the class. I put my phone away and walk towards the back left corner and take a seat over there. I watch as the rest of the class comes in. I'm trying to do my best to ignore Justin and Selena, considering that's hard because they're sucking each others faces off.

See didn't I tell you bitch. No one likes you. Ugh you are so fucking annoying! I'm ignoring your for the rest of the day also.

I hear snickering in front of me. I look to see Justin and Selena probably laughing about me. They turn their heads and continue to laugh as they look back up towards the board.


It's about time that we get class started.


I pretty much ignored Justin and Selena the whole day.

I walked into my room and saw the crown of flowers that Justin gave me while he sang to me. I grabbed the crown and threw it across the room, I knew I wasn't the only one who would do that if they were in my place.

I walked towards my drawer and pulled out a blade. I just can't take it anymore. I haven't cut my self in 2 weeks. I moved the blade towards my wrist as tears started to roll down my eyes slowly. I slit my wrist and soon enough dots of blood began to dribble out of my veins. I moved the blade lower and made another cut. Followed by another and another. I sighed in relief, all my pain vanished for now. I think I went too deep on the first cut, but oh well what's their to loss. They wouldn't care if I died right?  No one cares about me. It looks like it. As soon as I finished my 5th cut I went to the bathroom to wash up. I washed away the blood that was on my arm and put gauze around my cuts so they would stop bleeding. I stared at my left arm that had scars from older cuts. I quickly got out of thinking how I got them and what motivated me to do it.

I walked out the bathroom and back towards my bedroom. I felt dizzy. I landed on my bed and everything went pitch back.


Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn!!!!! haha. sooooo whatcha think happened to Katie? and if any of you cut yourselfs please don't, there is people who care about you and love you very much. I love you guys. I'm here if you wanna talk to someone.

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Instagram: r5andbiebs

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