Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Hey so i decided to update a bit early like 3 hours early so yay!!!

Well I bet you guys really want to know what's in the slip of paper.... Don't ya don't ya. =D well here is what happens.................


Katie's POV:

I opened up the slip of paper that Justin gave me.

'Meet me in room 18 after the concert ;) -Justin Bieber'

I read that paper about three times.

Did that say what I think it just said!

I looked up on stage where Justin was now performing his last song 'Baby'

We were on the fourth row on the floor.

I turned to Phoebe. She was screaming and jumping up and down.

I looked back on stage and saw Justin staring at me.

I looked down and smiled.

I looked back on stage and stared at Justin dancing and singing. He went to the first row and touched his fans hands.

I watched as he jumped into a platform and went off the stage.

The crowd grew louder.

Well that's it he's gone everyone gone!

I turned to my right and saw Phoebe crying, bawling on the ground.

The lights turned on.

I stared up at the ceiling. I stared back down and focused my sight on the stage. It looked huge.

"Katie! Hurry up!" I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to find Phoebe.

"Where are you!?" I yelled back.

"Up here!" I turned to where I heard her voice.

She was up on top of the stairs.

I started to run towards her.

We started to leave the arena. Before I stepped out the door I remembered something.

"Hey Phoebe I think I left my sweater backstage when I was on stage, go see his tour buses i'll be here soon." She nodded in response and left.

I started to walk to where I thought the room was, backstage.

Numbers started to appear on the door. It started from 30 and ended up going down.

I stopped at my tracks. 18.

I backed up a little and stared at the door that had the number 18 on it.

Should I knock or just burst in. Knocking is more polite.

I knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door to open it. The person opened the door and there stood Justin... His eyes were so beautiful, his smile.... Awe he's so cute! Now I see why Phoebe loves

Him so much.

"Come in." I heard Justin say as he moved to the side of the door for me to come in.

Why did he invite me over? Out of all the people me??

I walked in and sat down on a small white couch.

Justin came an sat next to me.

"So why did you want me here?" I asked with curiosity.

"I don't know, there's something about you t-that I just like so much." I looked down. I felt my cheeks turning a new shade of red. I'be never felt this way especially for Justin Bieber.

"Well... What do you like about me so much?" I looked up and stared in his eyes.

"I don't know that's what I'm still trying to figure out." He spoke. A smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, would you like to go on a um... Date with me?" Oh my god did he acutely like me! Wait... What about Selena!

"Aren't you dating Selena?" I looked down not wanting to look up.

"Oh yea, we um.... W-we broke up a couple of weeks ago..." He trailed off.

I felt bad that I brought up that subject. I looked down.

"So would you like to go on a date with me?" He beamed.


^__^ soooo did ya like it!!!! I hope so!!! Anyway I have questions for you .-.

1. If Katie and Justin date what should their name be? Jatie or kustin?? Haha kustin :p comment below which name you like better!!!! :) goooo!!

2. What do you Katie will say! :D

Okayyyyyyyy that's all, I know this chapter was short I'm sorry :( don't hate me!

Just to be clear I update every Friday so be ready for the incoming chapties xD

Instagram: @r5andbiebs

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