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*Laurel's P.O.V*

We spend four days visiting other nice places in Charlotte and the boys are barely stopped by fans to take pictures and stuff. We go out for dinner, go bowling and just have fun. After that conversation with A I don't really try to get closer to Luke but he always tries to approach. I can see that Austin doesn't like it when I'm talking to Luke, because he pulls me closer and tries to get in the conversation as well.

On the fifth day, we are all in my apartment watching a movie.

"Eeeey, I'm hungry!" Michael tells us when it finishes, standing up. "Austin, why don't you get us to the nearest pizza place? Everything will be on me, and I can show you some of the band's songs."

"Sure." Austin shrugs and heads towards Michael, who snaps his fingers in front of A's face and she reluctantly stands up too, offering her hand for Luke to grab it.

"I'm feeling a little sick. You go." He tells her, and she looks like she's going to kill someone, but says nothing.

"Rel, are you coming?" Austin asks me and I shake my head.

"I'm staying with Luke since he's not feeling well." I smile at him. He looks at me and then at Luke, nodding.

"Whatever." He says a little annoyed.

When they leave the room I sit next to Luke, biting my lip.

"Hey" I say, running my hand through his blonde hair. "There's a drugstore nearby. I can get aspirin for you if you want."

Luke, who was facing the window, now turns to look at me, gently caressing my face with his thumb. I shiver at his touch, not being able to control my reactions.

"I missed you." He says, simply.

"I missed you too." I whisper, feeling my heart stop.

"I don't need medicine, I just need to know if you are dating or not that guy."

I suddenly come back down to earth and narrow my eyebrows.

"Luke, what does that have to do with you?" I feel offended.

"Nothing, I just think he's no good."

"You didn't even talk to him! And I could say the same about Ms. Fake Eyebrows." I cross my arms, rolling my eyes. "I would really love to understand why she is so rude."

"Ignore her. Tell me about your boyfriend."

"Austin is not my boyfriend!"

"Okay, Jeez, calm down! Why are we even discussing this?" Luke asks me, chuckling, and I can't help but do the same. Granted, I was about to argue but the truth is: we are just friends and our love life has nothing to do with our friendship.


"Tell me how bad you missed me." Luke raises his eyebrows and I playfully punch his chest.

"The same amount you missed me." I say, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want that aspirin?"

"No, actually, I'd happily accept it. I was just trying to be polite."

I laugh at him and stand up, offering him my hand, which he grabs and we head to the drugstore. On the way I feel this aching need to be near him, to touch him, and it is not under control. So, like it was the most common thing in the world, I try wrapping my arm around his, but he doesn't let me; his long arm leans on my shoulder and pulls me closer, kissing the top of my head, I hold his waist and like this we keep on walking.

two worlds // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now