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a/n: the script is one of my favorite bands in the whole world! and this ☝🏻️ song is perfect for the chapter! make sure to play it as you read. hope you like it!

*Luke's P.O.V*

I try to speak, but my voice simply doesn't come out. I feel a knot in my throat while my heart beats so fast I'm afraid it may explode at any minute. Michael is staring in expectation at me, but I'm too astonished to talk. I then realize my jaw has been dropped for about ten seconds now and I wasn't able to say a single fucking word.

Laurel really is talking to me.

"Oh... hi" That's all I manage to answer.

"How are you? It's been a while, right?" She laughs embarrassedly.

Oh my God, I've missed her voice so much.

"I-I'm pretty well, actually." I stutter, clearing my throat.


I sigh.

"Of course not, I'm a mess. I miss you like hell."

"I miss you too."

Neither of us say anything. I'm trying to process her statement and wonder if she means it.

"So... how's tour?" She breaks the ice. "Michael told me you've been getting yourself in some trouble, huh?"

"That's a lie, I'm okay" I frown. "If you miss me why didn't you pick up any of my calls?"

Laurel takes a deep breath.

"Luke, seriously? Do you want to discuss a relationship that no longer exists?"

"Well if you miss me and I miss you, I guess it means we are not over" I insist. "Please let's talk about what happened..."

"This is not why I'm calling." She scolds. "I just want to hear from you, how you are, how your life is, everything but us."

"My life used to be us"

"Don't make things harder than they already are"

"I'm not doing that, you are" I retort. "Why can't we talk about it? Why can't you listen to me?"

"I will listen if you promise me that you're gonna stop doing all the wrong things you've been doing" She proposes. "Your friends and your family are all very concerned about you."

It feels like someone just stabbed me in the stomach.

"You didn't call because you wanted to talk to me" I whisper. "You were asked to, weren't you?"

She remains silent.

And I get my answer.

"Well, then I'm not forcing you to do anything." I say coldly, trying to patch up the pieces of heart. "Bye."

When I'm about to hang up she screams WAIT.

"What?" I scoff. "Don't worry, I'll tell the dudes you said hi."

"Luke Robert Hemmings, you better stop being ironic with me" She warns in the demanding tone I, somehow, missed so much. "Oh Lord, fine. Michael asked me to talk to you, but I'm worried as well, and he thought I could help. So tell me, what's going on? Is this because of me? Is this because of us?"

"Does this even need an answer?" I smile, sadly. "It's not a coincidence I came back to drugs and drinking a lot after we broke up. It doesn't go a single day by in which I don't think about you, I dream about you, I write about you. It's been exactly 2 months and you haven't spoken a word to me during this entire time. I know you called on my birthday and I tried to reach you back but you wouldn't pick up. I went completely mad without hearing from you, you blocked me on Twitter, unfollowed me on Instagram, unfriended me on Facebook, Jesus, Laurel, you simply vanished from my life! This is not something you do to the people who need you!"

two worlds // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now