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*Laurel's P.O.V*
July 16th

Today is a special day. A special sad day.

I woke up in the morning with butterflies in my stomach which simply wouldn't go away. Should I text him? Should I call him? Or should I simply let it go?

Well, I did text Ashton when it was his birthday.

Since I can't decide it myself I seek for a flower's wisdom; that's right.

"He loves me, he loves me not" I gently remove its petals. He loves me stands for Talk to him and He loves me not stands for Forget about this and go to work because you need to make money for a living.

The last petal: He loves me not.

"Damn it." I mutter, dropping the stalk on the table.

"What's wrong? Why did you wreck a flower?" Riley shows up, carrying Darth Vader.

"Today is Luke's birthday, and I really don't know what to do." I admit, massaging my temples.

"Oh boy, well... do you want to talk to him?"

"You know I do, but I'm afraid what it may cause."

Riley frowns.

"Laurel, what the heck? You're just being polite, when you wish someone a happy birthday you're not indirectly asking them to marry you" she chuckles, sitting on the chair next to mine. DV, for short, meows begging to be put on the floor.

"It's just that it's been more than a month... He used to try reaching me everyday and I ignored him badass mode."

"Time to stop doing so and be a grown woman. It's his birthday, you're just gonna show him you remembered."

I get my phone and stare at the screen. It's been a while since he last texted me or tried to talk to me. I know his number by heart so I don't even bother to go on my contacts. I take a deep breath and press call, biting my nails nervously.

Laurel, what the hell are you doing?! Hang up, hang up!

I give up before I hear first beep, throwing my phone away from me.

"I can't" I squint. "I don't think I should."

Riley sighs, petting DV.

"It's your call, sweetie, but try not regretting it later."

We go to college and spend the whole day in the lab. Yeah, no summer vacation for us. Not yet.

Even though I've got a lot of DNA to sequence, I can't exactly focus the way I always have; today shouldn't be about this. The flower is just a flower, it has no power over fate or whatever. Why am I afraid of calling him? Like Riley said, I'm just wishing happy birthday, no big deal. I wished Sean a happy birthday after we broke up.

He didn't do the same, but that's another story.

"Hey Laurel, need help?" Someone talks behind me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh, I um... no." I puff, smiling. "I'm just a little distracted today. Thanks, Jim."

"My pleasure." He leans himself on the table. "I was wondering... would you like to go out for a beer sometime? But not like on a date, I mean, I know you've got a boyfriend and stuff."

I look up at him and he's blushing.

Jim is a little cute, he's just a few years older and he's been helping me a lot ever since we met each other. However, he took me by surprise when he mentioned my boyfriend. I totally forgot nobody knew about Luke except for Riley, Austin and Megan.

"I'd like that" I smile back at him. "Thank you."

Jim lets out a relieved sigh.

"Phew. I thought you'd think I was hitting on you." He chuckles, and then he turns white like a ghost. "Not that you're not attractive, because you are, but I wasn't, you, I... Ugh."

He hides his face with his hands and I giggle.

"It's okay, I get it. Let's go out one of these days." I respond, turning my attention back to work.

By 6:30pm, Riley and I leave campus to go home, and the feeling that I need to call Luke is bugging me all the time. Now I don't mind if people talk about him because it's him, but because I miss him. Like crazy. I need to hear his voice, it's been so long... And even though we're not dating anymore, maybe he wants to be friends like we were before? We could try, couldn't we?

When I get home I stay away from my phone so I could think clearly about what I want to do. To call or not to call, that is the question. Riley votes for Call, the daisy votes for Not to Call. I think about calling Megan and ask, but regardless of what she might choose, I'll still be confused.

By 9:30pm, I'm lying awake on my bed, constantly rolling on top of it. I can't stop feeling I should call. Now it's my last chance. I stand up, close my eyes and breathe in, slowly breathing out after.

"That's it. I'm gonna call him."

I type his number and anxiously wait for Luke to pick up. The beeps seem eternal.

"Hello?" Even though there's something wrong with his voice, my heart almost jumps off my chest when I hear it.

"Luke, hey... I just wanted to--" Suddenly he starts laughing and weird noises come to my ear; a lot of laughter on the background and the voice of a woman.

"I'm sorry, Luke is a little drunk now" She giggles. "Who is this?"

"I, um..." I stop, all the parts of my body aching.

"Oh, Laurel! Is that you? I'm sorry, your number isn't saved on his contacts anymore, that's why I couldn't tell at first" Amanda laughs ironically. "What do you want?"

"I was just calling to wish him a happy birthday. Can I talk to him again, please?" I try holding back all my anger.

She laughs again.

"Sorry, love, you can't. Today is his birthday and you're not gonna ruin it. Luke is having fun with the people he loves."

"Ruin it, what the fuck? I'm just trying to be polite and wish him a happy freaking birthday, why is it a big deal?" I fire.

"Listen, I really don't want to waste my time with you. Don't call, he doesn't want to hear from you. He doesn't even know who you are anymore. Now piss off and live your own life!"

One tear streams down my face.

"O-okay" I stutter.

"Oh, and Laurel? Thank you for breaking his heart. It made everything much easier for me. Adios!"

Amanda hangs up.

I let all my tears flow. I'm crying because I'm angry, because I'm frustrated and sad. What the hell is going on? I know we are not together anymore but Amanda, seriously?!

"That bitch!" I scream against my pillow. Punching it plenty of times. About 10 minutes later I calmed down a little. No, I'm not gonna be sad over this. Screw Luke.

I take my phone and delete his number before searching for someone else on my contacts.


"Hi, Jim" I greet. "Remember that beer? Are you free, like, now?"

Lesson learned: always trust a daisy.


Quoting lukescastle : I cried a lake over Lake lolol this is gonna be the ship name!

Sorry for taking to long so update but I was really busy with school! Anyway, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment your impressions! I love you, thanks for being here!

Stay beautiful 💗 xo

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