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*Laurel's P.O.V*

Just came by to wish you a very happy new year! May you achieve all your wills; looking forward to being your colleague soon! Best wishes, Jim

I read Jim's message over and over again before letting out a sarcastic laugh. If Luke could see the way this guy is when he talks to me he wouldn't be jealous at all.

And he most definitely wouldn't call me a bitch.

Laurel, he simply overreacted, everybody makes mistakes.

Yeah but this one was a little too harsh.

Debating with myself is never a good idea; I'm always sitting on the fence. This has brought so many trouble for me in life!

I reply wishing Jim a happy new year as well, asking for him to contact me as soon as he can about the scholarship. I look over my shoulder to Ashton's crowded living room. Everybody seems to be having fun, luckily they don't even notice I'm standing right here on my own, without my very pissed boyfriend.

It's now 11:30pm and no sign of Luke. It's been about 1 hour since we had that stupid fight and since then I'm walking round and round Ashton's pool like a dog that let its ball drop in the water and is afraid to swim and catch it.

Sometimes I'm surprised by my own comparisons.

I don't want to start the new year without talking to Luke, we're so much better than that. True, what he said really hurt, but it's not like I didn't pick a fight. And besides, he was right: I didn't trust him, specially when it came to Amanda. But tell me, how could I? I wonder what he would say if he knew all the things she rubbed on my face two months ago back in my kitchen. Oh, how much I despise her.

I take a deep breath and decide that I'm going back inside to look for him, hopefully he has chilled and now we can talk. I turn around and before I could take my first step I almost bump into someone.

"I was looking for you" Luke mumbles, looking at his feet. "I wanted to apologize."

"I was about to look for you, too" I comment, awkwardly. "I wanted to apologize as well... I acted selfish, like I'm the only one who has the right to be jealous"

"Yeah, but you were right. I don't even know why I called Amanda" He cracks a half smile. "I'm still... attached to her, if that makes any sense. Not in the way I am with you, of course not! But she's... I still think there's a good heart there inside, you know?"

"Like Shrek's onion layers?" I joke, raising my eyebrows. "I can't say I agree, but I respect it. I'm sorry I wasn't able to trust you when it came to her..."

I wrap my arms around Luke's waist, tilting my head to look in his sorrowful eyes.

"I promise I'll try my best to be more comprehensive. I want something in return from you, though" I continue.

Luke frowns and sighs.

"You want me to stop being suspicious" He says.

"We can't go on together with suspicious minds..." I hum and he chuckles, kissing my nose. "I've told you a thousand times already, I love you. There's no one on this earth that could make me feel the way you do. My heart is yours to hold it or break it."

Luke smiles relieved, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I'm so fucking in love with you" He tells me. "Wait until 5 Seconds of Summer releases a new album, most songs will be about these amazing hazel eyes."

two worlds // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now