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a/n: Hello to you all! How are you? :)

*Laurel's P.O.V*
"Luke! Why are you taking so long?" I shout from downstairs, dragging myself towards the couch to wait for my very vainglorious boyfriend.

"I'm coming down, just putting a shirt on!" He yells back and I groan.

I know Luke well enough to be sure he's actually taking his tiny hairbrush and putting it inside a pocket. After that he's gonna walk to the bathroom and check himself out for the third time before he actually gets to show up.

He decided we are going to watch Inhumans. I personally have nothing against hero movies, but he seems to enjoy them way too much.

"I'm ready" I hear his voice approaching. When I turn over my jaw drops.

Luke's got a black coat on, a black beanie, his black skinny jeans and - guess - his black boots. I frown.

"Why are you going out like this? What's the coat and the beanie for? It's like 70 degrees outside"

Luke shrugs.

"Just in case I get cold. Now, shall we?"

We get to AMC and he won't stop looking around all the time, like he's afraid someone might be following us.

I go buy the tickets as he waits with his beanie low. Why is Luke acting so weird today?

"Here" I pass him his ticket. "Let's get inside. I want popcorn!"

"So do I" He chuckles.

And again, he refuses to take it with me. I pay the guy for the big popcorn tub and limp towards his figure, pissed off.

I try holding his hand but he tucks them inside his pockets, looking to the sides again. I never thought it would be so weird for him to go to the movies with me!

When we get our seats Luke seems to relax a little, finally taking the beanie off; he was already sweating.

"I really do hope this is a good one, or I'll kill you" I joke, playfully punching his arm.

He giggles.

"I know it's gonna be awesome" He whispers.

I roll my eyes, groaning.

"Okay, why are you whispering? The lights are still on, the movie hasn't started yet."

He's taken by surprise. Clearing his throat, Luke tries raising his voice a little.

"I'm just trying to be discreet."

"Don't you think you're trying more than that?"

"How come?"

"It looks like you don't want to be seen with me" I furrow my eyebrows.

Luke laughs sarcastically.

"What the hell? You don't know what you're talking about, baby"

"Yeah, right. I don't."

We remain silent even though the movie doesn't start until 10 minutes later. We just talk again when it's over.

"It was good, wasn't it?" Comments Luke, trying to break the ice while putting his beanie on again.

"It wasn't bad" I reply, holding his arm to support myself as I clumsily limp towards the exit. "I want to watch another one though"

"Maybe we could watch it at home. I've got a list of movies on Netflix"

I look up at him, trying very hard to understand why he's acting like this. Luke has never refused an invitation to go out. However, he doesn't look back at me; on the contrary, he's tense again as we approach the front doors of AMC.

two worlds // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now