Battles and Butterscotch

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The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the next room was the froggit in the corner. It was jet black with sharp fangs, and it glared at me from across the room. I took a deep breath and walked over to it.
"Ribbit. Ribbit." It croaked. It's croak was deep and sounded robotic. "I have some advice for you human. If you wanna survive, then fighting is almost always the only option. If a monster doesn't want to fight, you should probably just show some mercy and avoid any bullshit." The froggit swearing made me raise my eyebrows in surprise. Not that I haven't heard that word before though, Undyne lets quite a few curses slip out. "Be warned though," the froggit continued. "Monsters can be very cruel, and can act like they don't want to fight, then end up stabbing you in the back...literally. Ribbit." I let out a small gasp. This is going to be harder than I thought. I don't want to hurt anyone, but it seems like I might end up having to. But there's no way I'll have to fight everyone right? In fact, I'm sure I can find a way to not hurt anyone, even if they all really want to hurt me. My save file screen appeared in front of me as I became filled with determination.
    After saving I walked a few steps before encountering a Whimsun. It was a dark brownish color, with bright green eyes. He let out a low growl at me. I took a deep breath and my red soul appeared in front of me. I began to console the Whimsun, but he interrupted my first word by swinging a tiny fist at me. I easily dodged, and then told the Whimsun I don't want to fight. He swung at me a few more times while growling in frustration. He managed to land one hit, and it only caused me to lose one hp. The Whimsun seemed very excited though, and I decided to tell him he did a good job. He seemed confused, but laughed nervously. I told him I didn't want to fight again, and he sighed before finally leaving me alone.
    That battle lasted much longer than it should have. I usually can barely talk to Whimsuns before they burst into tears and run away. While thinking about this I made my way to the room in which I usually found the bowl of monster candy. I expected the bowl to be filled with something poisonous or anything that was in some way evil, but it looked same. It was filled with delicious Monster candy. I reached to grab one, but then a hand shot out from the bowl and grabbed mine. I screamed and pulled my hand away, then fell backwards. I could hear the laughter of several monsters in the darkness behind the candy bowl. My face reddened in embarrassment. I stood up and examined the bowl again, and found that the hand was just plastic. Since I was upset about being tricked, I took two prices of candy from the bowl as revenge. However as soon as I left the room I felt bad and ran back in to put one piece back. I continued walking through the rooms and puzzles like normal, then stopped when I heard my phone ring.
    "It's me." Toriel said stiffly. "So um, for no reason in particular, is there anything you're allergic to?"
    "Cats." I answered.
    "Ugh, I meant any foods you're allergic to, idiot." She snapped. I didn't have any food allergies that I was aware of. Even if I did, I don't think I'd want to tell her. I have a bad feeling that she's planning on feeding me something that may hurt me. Instead I decided to just lie to her.
    "Um...butterscotch." I heard her chuckle lightly into the phone, and then she hung up. I continued through the room, and each time I encountered a monster the battle was completely different. It was more difficult to spare them since it took a longer and they were more stubborn. I found a way though, and I felt proud of myself. I didn't realize however that I wasn't earning much gold from these fights until I came across the spider bake sales. My eyes widened when I saw that a spider donut cost 30 gold. After unwillingly collecting enough gold, I was finally able to buy the donut. The donut looked as if it was rotten, but I kept it anyway.
When I finally made it to the outside of Toriel's home, she did not come outside to greet me like normal. I felt nervous as I approached the door, but still determined. I saved my file before entering. The inside of the house was dark and cold, but the layout of the rooms were the same. Toriel was standing in the kitchen with her back facing me. She raised her arms in the air and the stove became engulfed in flames. She then lowered her arms and the fire died down; she didn't seem to know I was there. I just stood there silently as she prepared something, and after a few minutes she turned to face me with a plate in her hands.
    "There you are you little brat." She spat. "I made you something." She shoved the plate in my face, and I slowly took it. There was a burnt piece of pie on it, and it smelled faintly of butterscotch. I looked up at Toriel and jumped a little at her. Her face was twisted into a wide smile filled with sharp fangs. She was looking at me expectantly. I hesitantly took the fork on the plate and broke off a peice of the pie. Toriel watched as I placed the food in my mouth and chewed. The burnt taste was dry and bitter, and scratched my throat as I swallowed. "How is it?" Toriel asked.
   "It's...good." I squeaked. "B-but, I'm not that hungry." I handed the plate back to her, and she threw it behind her. Her face scrunched up in anger.
    "Why aren't you dead?!" She shouted. "That was butterscotch pie!" All I could do was shrug. She growled and stomped out of the room. I stood where I was in the kitchen for a while before I followed her into the living room. She was sitting on her chair with her arms crossed, and mumbling something to herself. I awkwardly stood in front of her for a few seconds before she finally spoke.
    "I prefer to be alone human, so I might as well tell you how to leave. Just downstairs is the exit." She waved her hand to shoo me away. I frowned, and instead of leaving I took a small step towards her. "What are you doing?" I took another step. "I told you to leave." I took two more steps. I was standing right in front of her. "Get away!" I hugged her. She tensed up beneath me, but I refused to let go. There was no way I was just going to leave her like this. I felt her relax beneath me for a second, and then I was thrown to the other side of the room.
    I screamed a little as I flew through the air, and my scream cut off when I hit the hard floor. I didn't hit my head fortunately, but my hands and bottom really hurt. I looked up at Toriel who was standing now; she looked even scarier since the fireplace illuminated her face in the dark.
    "Leave." She instructed. My vision became blurry with tears. I stood up slowly and began to walk out of the room. At the door way I turned around, but Toriel refused to look at me.
    "" I said softly. As I turned back around I caught a glimpse of Toriel turning her head sharply to look at me. I didn't dare turn around though. I started running to the stairs and towards the exit while tears streamed down my face.

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