Little Miss Muffet

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     I actually don't remember walking into Muffet's area, and I certainly don't remember getting caught in all the webs. So suddenly becoming aware of the fork poking at my cheek was shock. I jerked my head away and found myself staring into five glowing red eyes.
   "Ahuhuhu~ you've awaken have you? That's good, I was afraid my servants already killed you. Even after I told them live human is better." She stomped her foot when she said "told" and I looked down to see her raise her heel to reveal a smashed spider. I gasped and looked back at her to see her giggling. She didn't look too much different than usual; just like everyone else she wore red, a red lacy dress to be specific, with little yellow buttons and black accents. Her hair was noticeably longer, which looked rather adorable despite her new personality. In her hands she held cracked teacups and kettles, but what was different was that her lowest set of hands held a knife and fork.
    "I've also heard that a little workout that sends fear through a human makes them taste better. But that could just be a rumor." She held up her kettle, and my heart appeared in front of me. A dark purple liquid dripped out of the kettle and onto my soul, and my body stiffened a bit. "Doesn't hurt to try though, should be fun~" she giggled, and in a second was lifted back up into a large web above me. Some spiders released me from the web that bound me, and as they were doing so I noticed Flowey wrapped up in his own cocoon not too far away. He was knocked out as well.
   The attacks began with out warning, and were immediately overwhelming. When my turn finally came I just decided to offer some gold. Muffet didn't seem impressed. It was after the next attack that I realized I wasn't given warnings of the next attacks like usual. Luckily I know how he attacks work so I was fine...for a short while. Suddenly Muffet pulled out a whip from seemingly nowhere, and smacked it against the ground. I faint whimper was heard in the distance.
    "Now my pet!" She snapped. I heard a rumbling behind me but before I could react I found myself watching as fangs closed around me before my vision went black. GAME OVER lit up in front of me, making me sigh loudly.
    The next time her giant cupcake pet came charging at me I was ready, fleeing from it as fast as possible while avoiding the spiders lunging at me from the front. With every attack I survived Muffet grew angrier and angrier. But not at me however.
    "Useless useless USELESS!" She screamed, kicking at a nearby spider, who let out a tiny scream.
    "Muffet stop!" I blurted out. She glared at me.
    "Don't ruin the flavor with that bad mouth of yours." As if on cue a spider hit me right on the mouth. Thank god I didn't open it to talk again. Muffet giggled, flashing her fangs. "I wonder if the King would prefer a human soul cake, or pie?" It was then when I got an idea. Muffet seemed to be so determined to make me as delicious as possible, but I can think of a few things I could do to ruin that plan. As the next round of being chased by Muffet's pet began, I took the opportunity to instead run towards it, jumping just in time to land on top of it. It stopped and shook violently, flinging off some drool in the process. I leapt off of it and dodged its charge at me again. I then took a deep breath and scooped up some of the drool, and proceeded to rub it on myself. Muffet screeched.
    "Disgusting! This all your fault you miserable pest!" She yelled at the cupcake who was now cowering in the distance.  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to compose herself. "It's fine it's fine, a little extra sugar and we'll be fine." She looked back down at me to see me rolling around in the web, letting anything and everything caught in it to rub against me. She dropped one of her teacups. 
    The spiders seemed to let out little laughing sounds as they watched this scene unfold, which only made Muffet more upset. She stomped her foot, causing the whole web to shake, and the spiders to immediately go silent.
    "Perhaps I'll have to make some mini spider-cakes as well." She hissed, her eyes shooting in the direction of the spiders. They backed away quite a bit.
   "Hey Muffet!" I shouted, drawing her attention to me as I rubbed the bottom of my shoe on my face. I just wanted her attention off the poor spiders, but unfortunately it resulted in her suddenly lunging for me, fork and knife hands outstretched. Before she could reach me her pet swooped in and rammed her away from me. It looked down at me and seemed to smile, and I didn't hesitate as I reached up to pet it.
   "" Muffet sputtered as she returned to her feet.
    "Listen Muffet, these guys would be a lot more willing to work for you if you weren't so hard on them." I said, gesturing over to the scared spiders. "They're your own kind for crying out loud! At this rate you're gonna end up being the last spider in the underground!" Muffet opened her mouth to say something, but thought otherwise and crossed her arms. She closed her eyes and sighed, a clear pathway to the exit suddenly appearing as she did so.
   "You are unfit to eat human, we'll just wait for the next one." She muttered, pointing toward the exit. I lowered my shoulders in defeat, then silently retrieved Flowey and headed toward the exit. I looked back and saw Muffet sink to the ground, and her pet along with the little spiders slowly gathered around her.
   I felt sad. I wish Flowey were awake to say something funny or cute. Or that up ahead Mettaton would sing to me like when things were normal. Unfortunately, I don't think Mettaton's coming back anytime soon...right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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