Knives and Earplugs

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I don't know how I managed to fall down almost the entire length of the waterfall without waking up. If the the sound of rushing water didn't wake me up, the high pitched screaming of Flowey probably did. I took a quick deep breath a second before plunging into the water. The water was so dirty I couldn't see at all. I rose to the surface and frantically splashed around to keep myself a float. I could only use my right arm since my other arm was wrapped around Flowey's boot. I noticed a wooden plank floating nearby, and immediately swam over to it. I placed the boot on top of it and grabbed on. I breathed hard and watched as Flowey threw up enough water to fill his entire boot.
"I didn't....know you could...hold so much water in you Flowey." I panted.
"Me neither." He responded between coughs. After catching my breath I swam the plank over to the nearest platform. "Where are we now?"
"The garbage dump basically." I said. I stepped back into the water on the other side of the platform. It was usually just up to my knees, but this time it came up to my waist. I made a disgusted sounded and forced myself to start walking.
"T-there's not some huge garbage monster down here is there?" Flowey whispered.
"Relax, there's just a dummy."
"Well that's not very nice."
"...but he is one."
"C'mon Frisk you're supposed to be the nice one here."
" HE'S LITERALLY A-" a floating dummy bursting from the water in front of us stopped me from finishing my yelling. Some water splashed on my face, and as I wiped it off I thought about what to expect. The mad dummy is usually...mad. Would he be opposite in this universe, or just meaner than usual?
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" I heard him shout. Well that answers that question.
My surroundings went black and my soul appeared. I set Flowey down on a pile of trash behind me, and prepared myself.
"Wait...I think I know who you are. YOU'RE THAT HUMAN BLOOKY TOLD ME ABOUT!" Mad dummy yelled. Now that I think back, I didn't actually meet up with Napstablook back in the ruins, I feel kinda bad for not realizing until now. They apparently saw me though. I guess they were hiding somewhere. Yeah, that explains it. Not like the author forgot or anything...
My thoughts were interrupted by something that felt like a hot punch to the face. The dummy's were already attacking me, and in huge numbers. I tripped over my own feet as I tried to avoid the blows, and somehow managed to get the dummies to strike the mad dummy three times.
"UGH! Dumbasses! Don't hit me!" He shouted. I braved myself for another attack...but it didn't come. All the other dummy's just looked angrily at the mad one. "Well? What are you waiting for?! ATTACK YOU DUM-" Every single one of them took out a knife. The mad one laughed nervously.
"HEY!" An echoey voice shouted from I don't even know where. A completely black ghost appeared in the middle of all the dummies. Red eyes then appeared on their face, and they looked annoyed. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"Well actually..." Mad dummy began.
"Shut up. I don't care." They turned towards all the little dummies with glowing red eyes, and they all immediately scrambled away. Nabstablook turned back towards Mad dummy. "You too." Mad dummy let out a huff, then he floated upwards and just kinda...disappeared. I finally moved to pick up Flowey, but just in case, I walked backwards to get him so I wouldn't let Nabstablook out of my sight.
"Who's that?" Flowey asked in a not so quiet voice.
"Nabstablook." They responded immediately. "And I still haven't heard a thank you, you know for saving your life from those idiots."
"Thank you." I mumbled.
"What? Are you shy? Being shy doesn't get you anywhere, you know that right?" They snapped.
"I'm not shy." I said a bit more boldly. Nabstablook looked at me for a moment, and then started to float away. I watched them go for a few seconds, then started to follow after them.
I was led to their house, and it looked exactly the same. But the house that was usually next to theirs...wasn't there. The rumbling of music could be heard from a good 20 feet away. As I got closer I could make out the music playing. It was basically the Spook wave, but much louder and with electric guitars in the background playing the same tune. I looked down at Flowey who was in the process of sticking his head into the dirt.
"Before you do that," I said. "Can you make me some flower earplugs or something?" Two little white flowers popped out of the dirt besides the half-buried Flowey. I plucked them from their stems and heard a mumbled "ow". I stuck them in my ears, put Flowey down by the entrance, and opened the door. Nabstablook didn't hear me come in, they just continued to sway back in forth in front of the large stereo. I walked up right because them, and they jumped when they saw me and immediately turned off the music.
"Wh-what are you doing here you little-"
"That sounded really good." I interrupted. They seemed a little surprised.
"You thought so?" I nodded. Nabstablook looked away for a second, a small smile on their face. "...thanks, I guess. I made it myself; I call it Metal Spook."
"Is there any other songs that you made?" I asked, even though I was a bit scared of another loud song blaring.
"Y-yeah actually, I have a lot! I mean...not like I want you to listen to them, you obviously don't have good taste in music anyway." Even though they said that, they went over to the stereo and put in another CD. Music that was slightly quieter than the other music began playing. Without saying anything I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes. When I peeked one open again, I saw that Nabstablook had done the same thing somewhat near me. I couldn't get the floating feeling like I was in space unfortunately, but I could imagine myself at a bright and loud concert very vividly. I listened to the entire song with Nabstablook, enjoying the feeling of knowing I made them happy, and ignoring the possible bleeding of my ears.

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