Greetings, I am Temmie

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    There weren't any snails on Nabstablook's family farm, which was a bit disappointing. I kinda wanted to see tiny evil snails. Maybe they'd have cute little knives or something.
I wasn't sure what to expect from this next destination. The Tems weren't exactly evil...but they didn't seem all that innocent either. And what would they wear? A black shirt? Maybe their hair would be all messy too.
     "Frisk. FrISK IT'S GETTING DARK. Findalightfindalightfindalight." Flowey squeaked in his panicky little voice as everything went dark around us. Having memorized this area, it didn't take long for me to find the next glowing mushroom. When I found it I poked it gently, and our surrondings were instantly illuminated by the dim light. Flowey let out a huge sigh of relief.
    "Scared of the dark?" I teased.
    "Are you even surprised at this point?" He responded. "Besides, who isn't afraid of th-" A distant tune playing in the distance cut him off, and made him look at me in confusion and fear. If the original Temmie Village theme didn't sound welcoming, this one definitely didn't. The usual "Dum dum's" were in a much lower pitch, and were slower and creepier. I become increasingly more nervous as we headed towards the village.
    Temmie Village itself looked pretty much the same, but the Tems...not so much. They were all wearing dark suits with red ties, and their hair was pulled back into a bun. The four Tems near the entrance all turned to me and glared. I forced a smile and walked up to the first Tem.
   "Hi there." I said. The Tem looked up at me and narrowed her eyes. There was an awkwardly long pause before she responded.
    "Greetings, I am Temmie." She said so seriously I gasped out loud. "And this is my acquaintance, Temmie." I turned towards the next Tem, who repeated the same thing.
    "Greetings, I am Temmie. I trust that you shall not forget my acquaintance." The third Temmie said, looking slightly annoyed. I turned to the last Tem, and saw that she was smiling goofily.
    "HOI! I'm Bob!" She exclaimed excitedly. The other three Tems sighed and turned away. I continued through the village and went to the Tem near the giant statue. She turned to me and scoffed.
   "Hmph, you humans are such...strange looking creatures." She spat. Flowey suddenly sprang up from his hunched over in fear position and faced the Tem.
    "Y-you should talk you little-" he started to shout but I placed my hand on his mouth and pulled him back. I nervously laughed and walked away to look at the statue. The statue was of a professional looking Tem, and the engraving under it only read " The world's future rulers."
    "Creepy." I mumbled. The next Tem we encountered was in the process of pulling the shell off a hard boiled egg. The Tem turned to me slowly, stared for a few seconds, and then spoke.
    "I'm just preparing my lunch. What else do you want from me?" She grumbled.
    "'re a proud parent." I whined.
     "Nevermind." I went along to the last Tem, passing by what looked to be a destroyed mushroom.
    "I've learned quite a bit about humans in my lifetime, and one fact that I remember in particular is that it isn't uncommon for them to be allergic to our kind. Is it true that you have a cat allergy human?" I nodded my head, and she sighed in annoyance. "Then why are you still here? Idiot." I walked away then just in case Flowey would start to get mad again.
    I headed up the path towards the Tem shop, and suddenly found myself inside an office. The Tem working in it wore a suit like the others, but had a monocle unlike the rest. She was typing away at a computer when I entered, and didn't acknowledge my presence at all. The desk she was at was really tall, and I had to stand on my toes to pat my hand on it. She stopped typing and looked over the desk at me.
    "Do you have an appointment?" She said before I could even open my mouth to say hello.
    " but-"
    "Then leave." She went back to her computer work and I just stared at her in surprise. 
    "Let's just leave." Flowey whispered. "I don't like it here at all."
    "But I feel like I should do something to make the Tems happy." I whispered back.
     "I would be happy if you left." The Tem said, obviously having heard me. I pouted, and got on my toes to look a bit over the desk again.
    "Aw c'mon Temmie. I just wanted to buy some Temmie flakes." I begged.
    "Temmie flakes? That's the term we sometimes use for our dandruff. Why on earth would you want to buy that?" The Tem responded, not looking away from her computer. Flowey made a gagging sound.
     "No no, normal Temmie flakes are just like stale cereal bits." I whispered to him. " least I think they are." My stomach felt a little sick as I thought about this. I just decided to leave, it was clear that I wasn't going to get anything out of these Tems. Not like I really did in the normal universe anyway.
    After a couple monster encounters, I reached the area where I usually meet up with Undyne again. I warned Flowey to be prepared, and he shrunk down into the dirt so that only his head peered over the sides of the boot. Everywhere slowly grew dark, and all that could be heard was my own breathing and heartbeat. A glowing blue flower was eventually seen in the distance. I walked towards it, took a deep breath, then poked it.
    "F o u n d  y o u." Undyne's voice said slowly. As soon as the message finished I felt a hand close around my throat and lift me off the ground.

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