Army of the Undead

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    "This...this is our army." Alphys said between hysterical giggles.
     "Army?" I croaked, not looking away from the five-armed blob who was reaching out for me from it's cage. I felt Alphys put an arm around my shoulders and pull me close as she kept walking.
     "You see, our King Asgore has got a bit of grudge against your kind. He wants an army to fight alongside him once he breaks the barrier, even though he'll be plenty strong once he gets a seventh...eheheh...that's not important."
     "But why do they look like this?" I asked. I could feel Flowey trembling around my arm. Alphys stopped walking down this seemingly endless hall, and tightened her grip on my shoulder.
"They were afraid." As if on cue a flurry of howls and whines erupted from the cages all around. "All of the Underground's subjects who act all tough and ruthless, were scared of some humans. So me and Asgore decided that if we can't recruit the live scared ones, maybe we can recruit the dead ones." I brought a hand up to cover my mouth, and forced myself not to look over to the caged monsters next to me. Before I could speak Alphys continued talking. "But you see, those few dead monsters weren't nearly enough. And they weren't strong enough either. So I had...heh...I had someone go and kill off some monsters for me, and then I gave them modifications to increase their strength. And THEY WORKED." Alphys raised her arms in excitement, causing me to take a step back. She then lowered her arms and looked at one of the cages in disgust. "Of course there are a few flaws but who cares, they're dead."
     "N-no they're not." I said softly. Alphys turned sharply to look at me.
     "Come again?"
     "I uh, I said 'how can I help?' be-because you sill haven't told me." Alphys giggled and took me by the arm. She pulls me all the way to the end of the room, where a single desk and chair are placed. Alphys pulls out the chair and faces it towards where we just walked from. She gestures for me to take a seat.
"This is trap isn't it?" Flowey whispers. "What's with that chair? Are chains gonna pop out and wrap around you? Are your arms and legs gonna be strapped to the chair? Is there an invisible whoopee cushion there?" I shushed Flowey quietly and forced myself to sit in the chair, half expecting to hear a fart sound under me. Alphys giggled wildly while staring at me, then turned to face the wall behind her.
"Let's see how well this army knows its enemy." She laughed loudly before pulling down some type of lever. The whole room went dark, and my gasp, Alphys' laughter, and Flowey's squeal echoed through the room. Then suddenly there was dead silence...
One at a time the cages lit up, and opened sharply. An array of roars and moans began to erupt all around me. The monsters began to crawl out of the cages slowly, their sounds getting louder and louder as more monsters were freed.
"It's a human!" Alphys shouted while pointing at me. The monsters all turned toward me. I gripped tightly onto the sides of the chair, and felt Flowey squeeze my arm.
There was a pause.
A long pause.
Then the monsters turned away and began to just look around the room and at each other. Alphys made a surprised sound and walked in front of me.
"What THE HELL are you guys doing?!" She screamed. They all spun around to look at her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out what looked like a remote control with two bent wires on the top. She flicked it downward and electricity started flowing through the wires. "Looks like you freak-shows need another lesson." She snapped. All the monsters eyes seemed to widen and they began to whimper and stumble backwards. Alphys began to walk towards them, and they kept backing away in horror. I wanted to kick the weapon out of her hand, but I was afraid of what the "army" would do to her and me if she didn't have it.
     From all the way on the other side of the room was what sounded like a triumphant howl. The monsters turned towards the sound and howled too, before breaking into a run. Alphys stopped walking and breathed in sharply.
    "The door. I left the door open." She said, her words barely heard over the commotion. She looked back at me with a disgusted expression, then ran after the monsters. I still didn't move by the time she and every single monster had left the room.
"Flowey?" I finally breathed.
"Y-yeah?" He replied shakily.
"Do you see any other way to exit this room?"
"All of those monsters are out that door just wondering around. I'm not going out there, screw that." Flowey looked towards the big open door, then looked all around the room. I looked with him, and at around the same time we both spotted a vent above some cages. I pushed myself off the chair and walked towards the now empty cages. I nudged Flowey for help, and he reached some vines up to the top of two cages and pulled us up. Then he forced the cover off the vent and pulled us inside. I crawled through the vents quietly, listening to the noises of the monsters roaming around. They were surprisingly quiet, and whenever I encountered a vent opening to look out of I just saw them walking around like they were lost.
    In not too long I found a vent opening that led to the back of Alphys' lab. I didn't really want to leave obviously, I could still help Alphys somehow, and the poor monsters she experimented on. Before I could make any real decisions Flowey was already breaking down the vent and pushing us out.
     "Gogogogogogo." He was muttering quickly. I started jogging away, then stopped myself and turned back to the lab. I ran to the doors and flung them open, then whistled as loud as possible. The monsters nearby turned towards me, and I motioned for them to come to me. They began running at me, followed by some more monsters who'd come to see what was going on. I stepped behind an open door as all the monsters poured out of the lab excitedly. The last monster to go was something that looked like a wolf with three extra legs and a cat tail. It turned back to me and licked the side of my face. I smiled despite now having cold goo on my cheek, and waved as the monster ran away with everyone else. Flowey made a grossed out sound and flicked the goo off of me with a leaf.
     "Do you think they'll cause us trouble later on?" Flowey asked.
    "Probably not. Believe or not, this army wants to fight less than the normal monsters here."

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