Black Snow

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    Snowdin itself didn't look that much different; same comfy buildings and houses, and lots of snow. It was the people there that were different. Black seemed to be the only color everyone wore. But since the colors of literally nothing else in Snowdin changed, everyone looked really out of place. The bunny at the Snowdin shop even had dark grey fur with black clothing. She told me to scram after I bought a few cinnamon bunnies, which seemed a bit undercooked anyway.
    Everyone seemed to be in the shadows on the sidelines instead of out in the open. I wanted to try to talk to them, but everytime I got within 5 feet of someone Flowey would beg me not to get any closer. But I finally decided to ignore him when I saw Monster kid at the Christmas tree, or at least what used to be a Christmas tree. It was now dark and leafless, and there were no gifts around it. Monster kid was sitting near it and staring off into the distance when I approached. 
    "Ohhh no, he may be small but he could probably kill us just by looking at us." Flowey whispered. I shushed him and continued to walk towards Monster kid.
    "Hi." I said when I stopped near him. He looked over at me slowly, squinted a little, then turned away.
    "See? See?? I bet we're dead now and we can't even tell." I shook my head a bit so that my hair smacked Flowey in the face. Then I shushed him again louder.
    "So...whatcha doing?" I said in a more cheerful tone. Monster kid let out a long, dramatic sigh before turning to me again.
    "Looking for humans. Duh. When I find one I'm gonna rip them apart, bit by bloody bit, just like Undyne would!" I felt the blood drain out of my face, and a cold chill run up my spine. But I forced a smile and gave Monster kid a thumbs-up.
     "C-cool. Undyne is awesome." Monster kid gave me a small smile, yet his eyes seemed full of excitement.
    "Yeah, I know. You're pretty cool kid, we should go watch Undyne beat people up together sometime." I nodded and then walked away.
    "Monster kid isn't too different." I said when we were farther away from him.
    "Are you kidding? He's usually so giddy and happy." Flowey replied. "Now he's some bored teenager." I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. I decided to go to Grillby's next, and see what changed there. I was curious how Grillby himself changed, I could never get him to talk to me so I don't know how good or bad of a person he really was.
    "Okay okay, we probably should try to avoid drawing any attention." Flowey whispered when we reached the door of Grillby's. So naturally I decided to kick open the door. Everyone in the pub turned towards me and glared at me. I waved at them, and they all turned away again. I couldn't help giggling when I saw Flowey close his petals around his face and muffle a scream into them.
    "Sorry, it was so tempting." I said between giggles.
    "Your forgetting how dangerous this situation really is Frisk." Flowey muttered.
    "I know but...I wanna try to have just a little fun in this weird version of the Underground. Plus I don't think anyone here would hurt me."
    "How can you be so sure?"
     "Everyone here is just side characters." Flowey gasped when j said this.
    "That's so mean!" He squeaked. I put up my hands defensively.
    "No no, I don't mean it like that. They're important just like everyone else, just not...uh...hey look there's Grillby!" I changed the subject by pointing at Grillby who had his back turned to us from behind the counter. His usual orange flames were now a bright purple, and like everyone else he wore dark colors. He actually already wore mostly black before, but this time the black seemed slightly darker...I think. I walked up to the bar and pulled myself up to one of the chairs. Grillby didn't seem to notice me. I cleared my throat lightly. He still didn't notice. I cleared my throat a little louder. Still nothing. I cleared my throat even louder, and then ended up coughing. Grillby finally turned around, and when he saw me the flames on his head seemed to flare up. He sharply pointed at a sign behind him that had and illustration of someone coughing with a red X over it. I covered my mouth and nodded. He relaxed, and then looked at me expectantly.
    "I think he wants you to order." Flowey whispered.
    "Oh, right. I'll just have some fries please." Grillby nodded and walked away to prepare the food. As I waited I looked around Grillby's to see if anything changed besides the monsters. Nothing really looked different. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed some movement at the end of the counter. I looked slightly over at it and noticed a bony hand reaching for the condiments. I held in my laughter; even in this universe Sans is obsessed with ketchup. I watched as the ketchup bottle was pulled off of the table. But then to my surprise I heard an annoyed grunt, and then the ketchup was thrown back on the table. The bony hand reached up again, grabbed the mustard bottle, then disappeared. Suddenly Grillby ran over to the end of the counter, reached over and pulled Sans up. Sans clutched the mustard bottle tightly and smiled widely at Grillby.
    "Hey." He said calmly. Grillby held out his hand. Sans shook his head, and then Grillby began to shake Sans angrily. Sans stuck out a dark red tongue at Grillby, then disappeared from his grasp. Grillby's flame became extremely large and wild for a moment, before he suddenly relaxed again and adjusted his glasses. He tossed a basket of burnt fries at me and walked away. I sighed and pushed the basket away. I've lost my appetite.

~ Ok I re-read this chapter I realized how boring it seemed. But I promise to try to make the next one more interesting. This chapter is simply made to just move the story along, and take a tiny break from all the feels. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! :D

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