Spear of Pain

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My little red heart appeared in front of me, and immediately afterwards Undyne began to throw several spears towards me. I got hit once, and half of my HP was gone from that one hit. I used my turn to eat a cinnamon bunny, and Undyne's next turn was basically the same.
Wait. Why isn't she turning me green? Why isn't she giving me my own spear to block hers? I looked up at Undyne; her eyes were wild and filed with anger. I shouldn't be surprised, this nightmare version of the Underground hasn't been very merciful to me at all. I shouldn't have expected the most violent boss monster to make things fair. Speaking of unfair, two spears came at me from both sides and shattered my soul. The game over tune blared around me, and I let out an exaggerated sigh.
"This'll be fun." I muttered. I reloaded my file and immediately started running towards the mountains. As the battle began I decided to try something new. I took out my stick and used it as a shield. Surprisingly, it worked. Undyne growled and her attacks became faster. Each spear I blocked chipped away bits of the stick, and it got closer and closer to breaking. I checked my inventory for anything else I could use for when the stick eventually breaks, and found nothing. Literally nothing. I haven't found any of the other fallen human's items, come across any boxes, or even been to any shops other than the one in Snowdin. All I had were a couple Cinnamon bunnies. I let out a frustrated sigh and told Undyne I didn't want to fight again. She ignored me and continued her fast and unfair attacks.
Finally the stick broke at the end of one of Undyne's attacks. She laughed as the shattered bits of the stick fell out of my hands.
"Undyne please! I don't want to fight you!" I yelled.
"Sure you don't. You humans are all the same! All you want to do is hurt us, and I'll make sure you never get what you want." Undyne swung her spear at me, and I looked down to see that my soul was now green. "As long as you're green you'll never escape." That's when I realized that all I had to do was run. She never turned me green all this time so I could've escaped at anytime. I hit my forehead with my hand.
"Son of a-...ugghh just kill me." I groaned. I spread my arms out and closed my eyes, letting spears fly into me.
    As soon as the battle began again I started to run away. I slid under Undyne and ran towards Hotland as fast as I could. I was expecting to be caught a few times while running, but I wasn't expecting to be caught by having a spear thrown at me. The spear hit the back of my foot and made me fall forward. Undyne grabbed me by the same foot and began to pull me back towards her. My soul began to flicker in front of me, but I was able to wiggle out of her grip and continue running. She caught me two more times the same way before I finally reached Hotland. The sound of Undyne's loud footsteps began to slow as I crossed the bridge.
"So....hot..." I heard her pant. "But can't...let them escape." Finally, I heard the sound of her falling down as I reached the end of the bridge. I looked behind me and saw that she was laying in the middle of it, her face beginning to turn red. I turned back around to look for the water cooler....but found none. Panicking, I ran back towards Undyne, and began to try to pull her up by her arm. After struggling for a solid minute I was suddenly lifting Undyne entirely off the ground.
"It wasn't very nice of you to forget about me." Flowey said, peering around Undyne's shoulder.
"Flowey! I'm so sorry, I was gonna come back and get you after I lost Undyne I promise." I noticed that Flowey didn't have his boot anymore, and as we walked off the bridge I could see that there was a small hole in the ground at the end of it, and a long stem reached across to Flowey. "You managed to get out of the boot and tunnel over here?"
"Yup." Flowey replied. I decided from his tone that it was probably not something he wanted to talk about. As soon as we were out of Hotland Flowey unwrapped his thick vines from around Undyne and retreated back into the hole he popped out of back in Hotland. While he did that I dragged Undyne to the nearest waterfall. I scooped up the dirty water and splashed it on her face. As soon as she was starting to regain consciousness Flowey popped out of the ground next to me. Undyne shook her head around a bit before suddenly sitting upright and pounding her fists to the ground. Flowey yelped and disappeared into the ground again.
"Dammit!" She yelled. "Asgore's gonna-" She stopped short when she turned and saw me.
"Gonna what?" I asked. Undyne just stared for a second, but then raised her arm sharply and made several spears appear behind her. Before she could do anything else something swung at her from behind her head. Her eyes widened, and then she fell forward and passed out again, the spears disappearing as she fell. Flowey was revealed behind her holding a stick in his mouth.
"Wow...good job Flowey." I said. I took the stick from his mouth and stood up. I reached my arm down beside him and let him wrap around it. I looked back at Undyne and frowned.
"C'mon you have to go before she wakes up!" Flowey urged.
"But...what did she mean when she said Asgore's gonna do something?"
"I don't even know who Asgore is! He's probably her boss and is gonna fire her if she doesn't kill you or something. Now come. On. Let's. Go." I sighed and started to run back to Hotland.
    I'm not sure what I should worry about more; how Flowey isn't remembering anything about the Underground, or how terrified Undyne looked when she mentioned Asgore.

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