Blank eyes

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     The fact that Alphys isn't helping me through Hotland makes things quite harder. The fact that this is some darker version of the Underworld makes it even worse. The puzzles are harder, the lasers hurt more, and there are so many tsunderplanes. Like seriously, they're everywhere and they keep clipping off pieces of my hair when I'm not looking. One of them even pulled off a chunk of one of Flowey's petals.
    "Poor Sunny, hopefully they'll heal up soon." Flowey whined.
     "Sunny?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
    "Y-yeah, this petal is at the top of my head, and it shields me from bright lights. There's no sun down here but the name Sunny sounds better than Lighty." I didn't try to hold back my giggles. "What's so funny?"
     "You're so cute Flowey." Flowey only responded by turning pink and closing his petals around his face.
    Everywhere I went and everyone I spoke to was mostly the same, except more difficult to travel though and the people were ruder. But then I reached a completely empty area that made me stop in my tracks. I had to think for a moment about what should be here.
    "Frisk what's that?" Flowey whispered. I was staring at the ground, and then I looked up to see a tall silhouette. They stood with hands on their hips, and they had long legs with nicely curved thighs, and I noticed they stood in high hee-IT'S METTATON. We stood there staring at each other for a moment. Then a glowing white eye appeared on the left side of his face, and he raised one of his arms towards me. There was some metallic sounds before a bright white circle lit up from the weapon that used to be his arm. I immediately dropped down to my hands and knees, and his beam barely missed me. He tilted his arm down and began firing again. I quickly rolled on my side out of the way, and when I stood up again darkness surrounded us. My soul glowed in front of me. Mettaton shot another beam towards me, which I managed to dodge by jumping up. While still in the air his other arm extended out and wrapped around me. He pulled me toward him until I was inches from his face.
     "Hello." He said, his voice emotionless and robotic. His eyes were completely white, even though they weren't glowing anymore, and there was no expression on his face. His hair was still beautiful; black strands fell across the right side of his face. His usually pink metal outfit was bright red, and there were spikes along his shoulders and the sides of his boots. He wore a little bit of black lipstick as well. It seemed unfitting for such a emotionless robot.
    "Hi." I responded calmly. "Can you uh, put me down please?"
     "Why not?"
     "I must turn you in to my master."
      "That is classified."
      "Since when do you have a master? You're wayyy too independent and fabulous to have a master. I mean look at you! Such amazing legs!" Mettaton was ignoring me now. He just started walking back to Alphy's lab with me still firmly held in his arm. Flowey was looking around frantically. I coughed a little to get his attention. "Get my noodles" I mouthed. I'd grabbed some instant noodles from the lab before leaving, and they were stuffed in my back pocket. Flowey reached into it and grabbed the noodles.
    "Now what?" He mouthed back.
     "Shake it." I mouthed. He looked at me in horror, squeezed his eyes shut, and shook it once very lightly. I looked at him angrily and shook my head. This time he shook the container twice lightly. I growled and grabbed it from him with my mouth. I shook it around violently, making Mettaton stop and stare at me. He plucked the container from my mouth, and some small pieces fell out of it because I bit a small hole in it. Before he could do or say anything, the rumbling sound of running began to grow near.
     Just as I'd hoped for, a pack of the monster experiments were running towards us. Mettaton's eyes glowed again and he aimed his weapon at them. I flailed my legs around to throw him off balance, and Flowey reached a vine down to wrap around his legs and make him fall over. Mettaton's arm squeezed tighter around me, and before he could get up again the pack closed in on us. They clawed and pawed and growled at us, yet Mettaton kept holding on to me. It wasn't until something bit through one of his legs that he finally released his grip on me. I kicked the container of noodles so that the monsters would move out of my way.
      Small scratches and cuts still managed to end up on my checks and arms. I looked back to see where Mettaton was, but I wasn't able to see him among the large mutant bodies. I stood watching in fear while they fought over the food, and finally they all walked away. No robot remained.
     "Did they....did they eat him?!" Flowey gasped. I took a deep breath and walked over to where leftover bits of the noodles container remained. There was one little chunk of black metal on the ground, looking very out of place amongst the orange pebbles and white scraps. I picked it up and placed it in my pocket.
     "I don't think they'd eat him Flowey, sharp edges and all y'know?"
     "You know what everyone is supposed to act like, right? What was different about that robot?" Flowey asked.
     "Oh sooo much. He usually has so much personality; he's flirtatious, confident, bold, kinda self-centered but he made it work! But now he's just...just..."
      "Yes!" I let out a frustrated sigh.
      "His design was a lot more exciting than him, such a bright red."
      "I know right, it looked like a Halloween costume."
     "A hallo-what?"
      "Oh, right. It's a human thing. And I can't wait because the author said that there's a possibility of a genocide run Underfell story starting on Halloween."
      "Nothing." Flowey looked like he was going to respond again but the sound of a broken music box stopped him. I recognized the tune though. I looked ahead and sure enough, the little nice-cream cart sat alone in front of us. The fact that there was no one around it made me uneasy, but just like everything else I've encountered so far, it didn't stop me from moving forward. Even with Flowey shivering on my shoulder.

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