Dating Start

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Papyrus wasn't waiting outside the house when I walked back to it. However, I caught a glimpse of him peaking out the window when I got to the door. He quickly disappeared when I saw him, and I giggled as I knocked on the door.
    "I can't believe that you're actually going on a date with him." Flowey muttered in my ear. "He could still hurt you..."
     "It'll be fine Flowey." I said. Before Flowey could protest again Papyrus opened he door. Me and Flowey gasped quite loudly at what we saw. Papyrus was in a tuxedo. It was the fanciest and most professional thing I'd ever seen him wear. He wore a red tie, and it looked like he still had his red boots on under his pants.
    "Good evening." He said in a smooth voice. The way he said it made me ignore the fact that it was noon. "Won't you come in?" He said as he stepped aside. I smiled and walked inside. Papyrus quickly closed the door and ran past me into the kitchen. "Please take a seat! Dinner is almost ready!" I looked around the living room, and noticed that a table and chairs had been set out in the middle of the floor. I was about to sit down when Papyrus ran in the room again and pulled out the chair for me. After I sat down Papyrus gave me a small smile before sprinting back into the kitchen.
    "Can you just set me down on the floor or something?" Flowey asked. "I don't wanna intrude on your date." I nodded and set the boot Flowey was in beneath me.  Just a few seconds later I heard Papyrus shout from the kitchen. Then the little white dog ran out with a bone in its mouth. The little black dog had a small band aid on its back, and looked absolutely fine. I laughed as it ran past me and out the door. Papyrus shook his fist at it, then walked back into the kitchen. About a minute later Papyrus ran back in the room with two steaming plates. The first thing that came to mind was obviously spaghetti, but I knew that probably wouldn't be the case this time.  A plate of ravioli was set in front of me, and it looked delicious?? I noticed that Papyrus was staring at me eagerly as I slowly picked up my fork and stabbed into a piece of ravioli. I braced myself for the bitter taste as I put the fork in my mouth, but was instead met with an amazing and delicious taste. I made a very satisfied sound, and Papyrus seemed to be hiding his happiness.
"Good, you like it. Of course that was expected." He said, a bit of blush adorning his cheek...bones. "Now that we got that out of the way...I have a confession to make." I swallowed my next bite of ravioli sharply. Is he going to say he only likes me as a friend already?! Because if that's the case...I think I might be even more upset than usual.
"Y-yes?" I mumbled. Papyrus took a deep breath, then suddenly shouted-
"HUMAN I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING." I nearly fell out of my seat, and I heard a thump under me that was shortly followed by Flowey's tiny voice saying "ow."
"What do you mean?" I asked as I reached down to sit Flowey's boot upright again.
"I'VE NEVER DATED BEFORE, as surprising as that is, AND I DON'T KNOW IF I'M DOING THINGS RIGHT!" Suddenly a book seemed to appear from no where and hit Papyrus in the back of the head. Papyrus yelled out in pain, then looked around angrily. "Sans! Where the hell are you, I know that was you!" Sans appeared next to me, and he was chuckling lightly. Papyrus stood up quickly and stomped over to him. He grabbed Sans by the front of his jacket and pulled him upwards. He pulled back his other hand, and made three bones appear behind him, ready to strike.
"Don't hurt him!" I shouted. Papyrus looked over at me, sighed, and the bones disappeared. He dropped Sans, who landed face first on the floor. Papyrus turned away from him to pick up the book that had hit him.
"What is this?" He spat. Sans sat up and rubbed his skull.
"a dating manual." He mumbled. "i got it to help you with thing." I frowned at him, he just wanted to help...
"I don't need this." Papyrus said. He threw the book behind him, and I noticed Sans had a disappointed look. "Get out of here Sans." Sans stood up and shrugged.
"whatever, I tried." He said before vanishing. As soon as he was gone Papyrus frantically ran over to where he threw he book.
"Okay...I think I've done quite a bit I'm just gonna flip to the last page." He mumbled as he flipped through the pages. "Ah, here we go. Step 101: When you're ready, propose." Papyrus paused for a few seconds before laughing nervously. "Okay maybe I shouldn't skip that far after all." I giggled. Before he could find another page there was a loud knocking on the door. "Damn it Sans...I told you to-" he stopped suddenly when he heard a voice outside the door.
"Open up Papyrus!" Undyne's voice shouted. She sounded...exactly the same. Well at least the same to when she was being serious. Papyrus looked at me in horror, and I looked back with what I was sure was the same expression.
"Go hide upstairs." He whispered. I grabbed Flowey and ran up the stairs and into Papyrus's room. I got a glimpse of his dark room, which unfortunately didn't include a race car bed, before I slid under the bed. I heard the door opening, but I couldn't hear exactly what anyone was saying.
"F-frisk..." Flowey started before I shushed him. I tried my hardest to hear what was being said, but could only hear mumbling. I eventually started to make out what was being said, but then I realized that the voices were becoming louder and clearer.
"-check your room just to be sure..." I heard Undyne say. I crawled out from under the bed and ran towards the window on the other side of the room. There was an old computer in front of it, that I struggled to push away. Flowey stretched out a thick vine that easily pushed the computer away, and used a few pellets to break the window.
"Why did you do that?!" I whispered loudly.
"So we could get out!" He whispered back.
"The window opens!"
"What was that?" Undyne growled from what sounded like just a few feet away. I opened the window, to avoid cuts, and lept out unto the roof. At that moment Undyne burst through the room. "THE HUMAN!" She shouted. I ran around on the roof to the front of the house.
"Flowey I'm gonna throw you." I said.
"Wait wh-" he began before I tossed him off the roof. He landed upwards, which is exactly what I had hoped for.
"Now catch me!" I shouted down at him. Then I jumped off, and was caught by some vines. As soon as I hit the ground I took off running with The boot in my arms. I heard Undyne's scream from far behind me. I kept running and running, all the way to Waterfall. It's a shame...I never even got to finish my ravioli.

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