Believing in Papyrus

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    I opened my eyes, and had no idea where I was, or when I fell asleep. Flowey was no where to be seen. I sat up a little, and realized there was a red blanket wrapped around me, and that I had been sleeping in a dog mat slightly too small for me. I was in the shed that Papyrus would take me in if I let him win the battle. The only thing different about it was that I had a blanket. The bars were large enough for me to get through as usual, so I easily escaped. When I walked out into Snowdin, it looked to be sometime in the afternoon. I peeked into Papyrus and Sans's window, and saw that neither of them were there. Or at least they just weren't in the living room. I jiggled the door knob. Locked. I shouldn't be surprised. I was about to go try and find another way in when I suddenly heard the knob violently shake. The door flew open, and I looked inside and saw a long leafy vine laid across the floor. I followed it as it pulled back into the kitchen. I found Flowey sitting on top of the extremely tall sink, looking as nervous as usual.
    "There you are!" He practically shouted.
    "Shh, Flowey. Sans and or Papyrus could be in here somewhere." I whispered. I looked around for something I could stand on to reach Flowey, but found nothing. "Flowey I think you need to jump off."
     "What?! N-no that's a terrible idea, what if you don't catch me?"
     "C'mon you can trust me." Flowey took a deep breath, then used two vines to push himself off of the sink. I stumbled back as I caught the boot, then hugged Flowey tightly when I caught my balance. I then ran out of the house and settled down again when we were near the foggy area again.
     "Now that that's over, are you ok Frisk?" Flowey asked.
    "I'm fine...I think. What happened exactly? I don't remember falling asleep."
     "You just passed out suddenly while you were walking. I was screaming your name but you just wouldn't wake up. And then...then Papyrus showed up...and picked us up. He wrapped his scarf around you and held you like a baby. I didn't say anything, I just pretended I was asleep too. He put me on top of the sink, and I'm not sure where he put you."  I started smiling before he finished talking.
    "So he does care." I said quietly to myself. At that moment, a familiar silhouette appeared in front of us.
    "I see you have managed to escape my're stronger than I thought human. And yes, I know for sure that you are a human now thanks to Undyne." Papyrus paused for a second, as if he didn't know what to do next. He finally let out a long sigh, and then I saw his eyes glow a bright red-orange through the fog. I've never seen his eyes glow before, so it took me way off guard. "She said killing you should be easy, and that you aren't worth her time..." A few large bones appeared behind him, and the everywhere around us went dark. My red heart appeared and glowed in the darkness, along with a few of Papyrus's blue bones. Papyrus started to chuckle.
"S o  I  g u e s s  I ' l l  h a v e  t o 
k i l l  y o u  m y s e l f ." He that so slowly that it sent shivers down my spine. I set down Flowey and prepared myself for battle.
    Bones flew at me from all directions, some blue and some regular. The pattern was completely randomized, so it was almost impossible to dodge. While dodging I also noticed the battle music was the same, except in a really low and creepy pitch. By the end of his turn I was down to 10 hp and my soul was blue. I decided to start off by flirting with Papyrus.
    "It's getting hard to fight you since I keep getting lost in your eyes." I said with a wink. Papyrus didn't show any reaction, but I kept flirting anyway because it was fun.
    "I have no idea what you're doing but you better stop." He finally said. After shoving a cinnamon bunny in my mouth I decided it'd be best to start sparing him. No effect. He kept shooting bones from all directions at high speeds. To be honest, this was beginning to be as tough as the Sans battle. I felt terrified as soon as I thought that, and then a moment later a bone struck me straight through my chest and my soul broke in half. I felt a second of intense pain, and then it vanished and I was sitting in the darkness. GAME OVER then appeared in large glowing letters, and the game over music began to play. Asgore's voice told me to stay determined, and then my two options appeared. I was about to hit continue without even thinking when I hesitated. I stared at the reset button. Maybe if I reset...things will go back to normal...just like Flowey said. I could make things easier for myself and everyone else by just resetting. I thought for a minute, and then clenched my fists. Why should I make things easy? There's no fun in that! Besides, resetting might even make things worse. I punched the continue button, and watched as he darkness dissolved from around me. I arrived back at my save point in Snowdin, and Flowey was dazed and confused in my arms.
    "I...what...what just happened?" He mumbled.
    "I reloaded my save file because I died fighting Papyrus." I said calmly. Flowey looked at me with wide eyes.
    "You what?!" He shouted.
    "Flowey you should already know about all this stuff, it was you who said something went wrong with the reset at the beginning of this whole journey." Flowey tilted his head a bit to the side.
    "I did?"
    "Yes! Ah geez maybe you really are losing memory. Did you at least experience that last file reload with me?"
    "I dunno, everything just went dark for a second and then I appeared back here with you. I can kinda remember that you starting to fight Papyrus, but I don't remember seeing you die." At this point I was just as confused as Flowey. How come he arrives at my save point with me when I die? Does he just automatically die when I do because we travel together? I wanted to think about all of this some more, but I decided I wanted to get this Papyrus battle over with first.
    It seemed to take forever to get back to where I was in the fight, but when I did Papyrus said he was about to use a special attack. The memory of how the little annoying dog always steals his special attack suddenly hit me, and I began to laugh. He was confused and annoyed as I giggled while telling him I don't want to fight. When he told me he was about to use his special attack I just held back another laugh. And then, as expected, a little dog appeared with a bone in his mouth. The dog was black though, and it had soulless white eyes. Still had the same slightly annoying smile though.
    "WHAT THE HELL?! STUPID DOG, GET AWAY FROM MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" He yelled at the dog. Just as the dog began to leave Papyrus shot three bones straight through the poor thing. I immediately stopped giggling and covered my mouth in surprise. Papyrus was unfazed, and he lifted the bone from under the dead dog. I watched in awe at the floating bone. I was finally going to see his special attack. Right in front of me, the bone began to grow to about 20 times my size. Then bits and pieces of it fell off. The broken bone created some dust that blocked my vision. When the dust cleared I gasped out loud at what I saw. A Gaster blaster.
    The last thing I saw before dying again was a red-orange beam shooting out of a Gaster blaster with two red-orange eyes. So after recovering from that shock, I continued and went to start the battle yet again. When Papyrus used the Gaster blaster again, I barely dodged it. What confused me was that after that, Papyrus didn't use it again. He just suddenly became very tired.
    "H-how did that no-not kill you?" He growled through his panting. I just shrugged. I'm sure he'd be happy to know that it did actually kill me once. I was about to tell him I don't want to fight again, when I got a better idea.
    "Papyrus!" I yelled. He looked at me and crossed his arms. "I know you want to kill me, and that you're not the best person, but I think that you can change for the better!" He made an expression that looked like he was raising an eyebrow.
    "What are you talking about? I already know I'm the best." He snapped.
    "You can be even better if you were nicer!"
     " I can be...better? By being nice? Human, being nice isn't...isn't easy around here. "
    "I believe you can overcome the challenge of being nice Papyrus! Even if no one else believes just know that I believe in you." Papyrus stared at me, not knowing what to say. For a moment, I saw the regular Papyrus in his eye sockets. The red orange glow from them disappeared, along with the darkness around us and my red soul.
    "Human, you've taught me something that no one else has, not even my own brother. You've taught me... THAT I CAN BE EVEN BETTER!" Papyrus stood tall and confident with his hands on his hips. Then he looked down at me and pointed at me. "With your help, I will learn how to be..."nice"." I couldn't help running up to him and hugging his leg. I realized that was a bad idea right after I did it, but instead of getting kicked like I expected, Papyrus lifted me into the air and spun me before hugging me. When he set me down I noticed Flowey nearby with his mouth hanging open. I picked him up and hugged him too.
    "That was amazing." He whispered. I smiled and nodded. I turned back to Papyrus, and saw that he was blushing.
    " just seemed to be...flirting with me quite a bit." He said, his red blush growing darker. I didn't think I could become more happy than I already was, but I realized I was possible when I learned that my flirting did have an effect after all. "Does this mean we should go on a date?" I nodded a little too fast and hard. Papyrus seemed to be holding back a smile, but he forced a cough to get rid of it. "Whatever, I guess we could have one. Just meet me at my house whenever you're ready." He slowly walked past me back towards Snowdin. I didn't turn around as he walked away, but I heard a small excited "nyeh heh heh"

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