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L u k e

"Hello?" I heard so I looked up from my book, and saw a boy with black hair looking down at me.

"Oh. Sorry. How can I help you?" I asked, and closed my book, pushing it to the side.

"I just need to check this out." He said, and I nodded, taking a book from his hand.

"You like Poe's writing? It's extremely int-"

"Yes. I do. Now stop talking, and do your job, faggot." He spat, and I looked up at him through my glasses.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, and looked down, scanning the book. I stamped it and handed it back to him. He handed me his library card, and I swiped it, making sure he didn't have any fines.

"Have a nice day." I said softly, and handed him back his card.

I sighed as he left, and I pulled my book back over. I scanned a page before I realized I wasn't actually reading. I was thinking about how rude that boy was. Whenever I talk to people here, they nod and smile, but never say anything back. I'd rather him ignore me like everyone else instead of saying those words to me.

And I hate myself for thinking about how cute he is, but I just can't help it.

I tried clearing my head by beginning to read again.

I got through half a page, and I had completely forgotten about the boy who ruined my day.

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