twenty four

704 41 12

Michael couldn't even enjoy his own gallery opening. He couldn't enjoy it at all.

Luke wasn't there.

It was surprisingly crowded, but there was no sign of Luke.

Just a bunch of people drinking champagne, all wearing black.

They were all nodding in approval of his art, but disapproving of the lack of diversity.

Michael didn't care what they thought. What he really cared about is what Luke thought.


The blonde boy shyly walked up to the address Michael gave him, and sighed.

He stepped in, straightening out his pink, button up skirt.

Nobody was really around, they were all behind the wall
Luke was standing in front of. He looked up at the canvas, and read the words that covered it.

'He told me he loves roses, I promised that's what I'd be, but the closer that he looked, the thorns became more visible in me.'

Luke stepped around the wall, and saw a room full of people, and they all looked directly at him.

He didn't understand until he looked up and saw every photograph and painting was of him.

There was a blown up photo of him on a canvas. It was a picture taken when Michael took him to the cliff.

There was another picture of him laughing, holding Michaels hand as they sat in Starbucks.

He looked around the crowded walls and looked at every detailed painting of him. There were little excerpts written and poems, but Luke couldn't read them because of the tears blurring his vision.

He looked at the back wall of the gallery and saw a spray painted picture covering the whole wall.

It was a comic book looking illustration of when Michael told Luke he meant nothing. Tears were falling from Luke's eyes in the picture, just like they were in real life.

He stood in the center of the gallery, tears pouring down his face.

He just wanted to know that he means something to Michael.

People looked at him, and recognized him as the boy plastered all over the walls, but they didn't dare say anything to him.

"Excuse me, if I can just have your attention for a second." Michael said into the microphone, looking out into the crowd.

"I just want to say thank you all for coming out today, it really means a lot, and I j- Luke?" Michael asked, cutting off his thank you when he saw the blonde boy.

He didn't think he would show up.

Michael out the microphone down, and ran over to Luke, seeing the blonde boy smile as Michael placed his hand on Luke's neck.

"Baby, I love you. I love you so much." Michael whispered, pressing his forehead to Luke's.

"You mean the world to me, and I've been killing myself every day you were gone. I couldn't stand thinking about how bad I hurt you. I'm sorry, I love you." Michael said quietly, and Luke leaned up, pressing his lips to Michaels.

"This beautiful Michael," Luke whispered, smiling up at Michael as he stayed in his embrace.

Michael smiled, and held Luke in his arms; something he should've done way more often.

Luke was everything to Michael. He was the color that lit up the room, and the little ball of sunshine that made Michaels day so much better.

Luke is everything to Michael, and Michael is everything to Luke.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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