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L u k e

I looked away as I saw Michael walk into the library. I kept my eyes locked on my book.

"Luke? Where did you go last night? You had me worried sick!" He said as he saw me.

I looked up, and pushed up my glasses. "I went home." I said softly.

"Luke, I'm so sorry." He whispered, and sat down in front of the desk.

"I forgive you." I whispered, and looked back down, just wishing he'd go away.

"So you'll go on another date with me?" He asked, and I scoffed. "Michael, you've already made me cry twice. I don't wanna try for a third." I said, and he reached over for my hand. I took it back quickly because that's what he did to me last night.

"Luke.." He whispered. I let him slowly take my sweater-covered hand in his. I nervously looked down at our hands. His was so much bigger than mine and I liked the way it felt. I like how my soft hands clashed with his rough hands.

"Luke, I know I have a weird way of showing it, but I like you so much. I like how you're interested in what I do, and I really liked the way you kept trying to get close to me last night. I'm sorry I keep messing everything up. I'm sorry I yelled at you, and I'm sorry I scared you." He said, and I smiled lightly.

"Now, I know I don't deserve it at all, but please let me get you Starbucks on your break." He said, and I hesitantly nodded because I could never pass up Starbucks.

I stood up with him, and check to see that nobody was in the library. I locked the doors, and sat in the passenger seat of his car.

(3rd person)

"You know, if I weren't so lonely, I probably wouldn't give you this chance, but I really like having someone to talk to. Makes me feel like I'm not completely invisible." Luke said, and Michael looked over at the boy who picked at the knee of his jeans.

Michael stood at the counter while Luke waited at the two person table. Once his drink was in front of him, he placed his hands on it, but didn't drink it yet, wanting to let it cool down.

He kept his eyes on anything except for Michael. He still felt a little uncomfortable, but who could blame him?

"Luke, I just wanna start off by saying I'm really sorry. I have said things to you, and made you feel ways that are unacceptable. My anger issues are not an excuse for mistreating you." Michael said, and reached over, placing his hand on Luke's wrist, causing him to smile a little.

Luke moved his hand, and tangled his fingers with Michael's.

They both smiled at each other, both feeling completely content.

They sat there for at least 2 hours just talking. Michael made Luke laugh, and blush, and even playfully roll his eyes a few times. He has never felt so happy.

Michael even secretly snapped a picture of Luke laughing while their hands tangled together on the table. He had never seen something so beautiful.

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