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Michael came to the library and sat behind the desk with Luke, but things just felt so awkward today.

Michael just sat there drawing, and he hadn't even said a word to Luke today. Luke knows Michael's attention always doesn't have to be centered on him, but he really likes it. He likes being able to talk to somebody but most of the time, Michael likes it silent.

"Can we talk?" Luke asked, so Michael looked over.

"Not right now." He whispered, looking away from Luke.

"Are you okay? You can tell me if-"

"Luke, everything's fine." Michael muttered.

"Are you sure because you're not a-" Luke's started, but Michael cut him off once again.

"I'm sure. Now please shut up." Michael said, and that hurt Luke's feelings a little bit.

"I'm sorry. I just- I don't know. I know I get annoying, but I just like talking to you." Luke whispered, looking back down at his book.

He pulled his legs up to his chest as he read. He held onto the end of Michael's jacket lightly, playing with the zipper as his eyes scanned the page.

Five o'clock finally came around, and Luke was ready to close up.

He stood up, stretching his legs as he pushed the book up to the edge of the counter.

"I'm ready to go home." Luke whispered, so Michael stood up too.

He looked outside, and it was storming. He couldn't drive home in it. He was too scared.

"Can you drive me home?" Luke asked, and Michael shook his head. Luke pouted, and sighed.

"Michael, please. I'm scared." He whimpered, but Michael just left, leaving Luke with tears in his eyes for the millionth time.


Luke snuggled up closer to his huge teddy bear as the TV light filled the room.

His phone started buzzing, so he looked down to see Michael's contact pop up.

He really didn't wanna answer, but he missed hearing Michael's voice.

"Hi Mikey." Luke whispered.

"Come unlock the doors." Michael said, so Luke stood up, and turned off his phone, running downstairs.

He ran over to the door, flipping on the lights in the process.

He opened up the door, letting Michael in quickly. He shyly stepped back, biting on his nail.

"Luke I'm sorry." Michael whispered, so Luke looked up at him. "The way I talked to you today is unacceptable. I promise, I'm trying to get better for you, and just being able to see you everyday really helps even though it might not seem like it. I went home, and I hated myself for the way I treated you. I'm so selfish, baby." Michael told him, hugging Luke quickly.

"You don't know how bad I needed to hear that." Luke said, burying his head in Michael's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry."

"I always feel like you don't want me, and I- I know you can't help it, but... I just need you to tell me you still want me." Luke cried, bringing his head up to look at Michael. "I want you to talk to me, and make me happy, and kiss me, and do all of the other dumb couple stuff. I'm tired of feeling so alone. You're all I have."

Michael wiped the tears away from Luke's eyes, and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry. You deserve someone so much better, but I can't let you go, Luke. You're so good for me. I should tell you to leave me and find someone who can treat you bet- I-..." Michael face fell as he looked into Luke's hurt eyes.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Luke asked, noticing how Michael just stopped all of a sudden.

"You deserve so much better." Michael whispered, backing away from Luke.

"Don't you dare say that Michael. Everything can't be perfect, and I'm okay with that. I understand that you get mad easily, but I can handle it." Luke whimpered.

"I've left you crying so many times. I'm no good." Michael whispered, but Luke just held onto him.

"Michael, please don't go." Luke whispered. Michael wasn't gonna make Luke cry again.

"I promise, I'm never gonna walk out like that again. I'm never gonna purposefully hurt you again. I hate seeing you cry."

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