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Luke sighed angrily as he looked outside of the library doors. He didn't open today just because he really wasn't feeling it.

He walked towards Michael who was holding a bouquet of roses, and opened the door quickly.

"Get away from me, Michael!" He spat, causing Michael to look up at him.

"Luke, I'm-"

"You're not sorry. You do it all the time." He said, and Michael frowned.

"Just give me another chance. Luke, I-"

"No, Michael. Listen. I'm clingy, I'm annoying, I get jealous, sometimes I talk to much, sometimes I don't talk enough, I want your attention, and all I want is for you to tell me I'm beautiful and that you love me, and I forgive you too easily, but when I'm done, I'm done. And yesterday, you made me feel like I was absolutely nothing to you. I- I get that you weren't ready to tell your friends, but how was I supposed to know that they would be there? You made me feel really ugly, and you yelled at me for just wanting to surprise you. The way you talked to me yesterday.... It's not okay." He said, and Michael felt tears poke at his eyes.

"Luke, I just- I got scared. I didn't want them to know about us." He said, and he didn't realize it, but that hurt Luke a little more.

"You realize if I had anyone to talk to besides you, I would never stop talking about you. I wouldn't tell them that you mean nothing to me. Sure, you didn't have to tell them we're together but you told them I was nothing to you. Do you know how embarrassing that was?" Luke asked as a tear fell from his face. He crossed his arms, trying to look tougher, but Michael could see right through him.

"And, I showed up to your house in a stupid skirt. I thought you would love it, but you got mad at me for it. It took me 3 hours to actually decide if I was gonna wear it, and- and-.." Luke started sobbing, not being able to really talk anymore.

Luke has never been so upset in his entire life. Even when his parents would always yell at him, it wasn't as bad as this.

Luke let Michael hold him, and calm him down because he really needed it. He felt his anxiety building up, and he needed someone to hold him.

"You looked so beautiful yesterday. So beautiful." Michael whispered, and Luke shook his head quickly, holding onto Michael's shoulder tightly.

His breathing quickened, and he didn't understand what exactly was going on. He looked up, and could see spots in his vision. He felt really cold, and it started getting harder to breathe.

"Luke?!" Michael asked quickly.

Luke didn't respond so Michael picked him up, carrying him into the library. Michael laid him down on one of the couches, and held his hand tightly.

"Luke, what's happening?" Michael asked, squeezing Luke's hand very tightly.

Michael leaned forward, and kissed Luke's forehead, letting his lips linger there. He was honestly scared for Luke.

Luke has never been confident in his self and Michael made it so much worse for him.

Once Luke could catch his breath, he sat up, and started to walk away from Michael.

"Please just leave me alone."

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