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I looked at you everyday & thought about what a lucky girl I was but I guess I wasn't the only one.

"I just don't know Sam," I sighed while sitting father back into my spot on the couch, "I can't keep running to someone else with my problems. I'm an adult now."

He shook his head and pulled me into a side hug, "you know that I'm always here for you," he said while hugging me a little tighter.

I winced at the pain of the hug and he quickly pulled away leaving me cold.

I missed everything Sam and I used to be. He was my best friend that I almost hooked up with and he played a big part in my life.

"I don't think you should leave him, Savannah because you're having a baby with him but if you weren't I'd say leave his ass outside," Sam said.

We heard the door open and Nate's face appeared in the living room, "Yo Sammy," he said while pulling him into a 'bro hug'

And as always, Sam played along. Not wanting to be around Nate any longer then I already was, I stood up and walked to my office.

When I closed the door this time I didn't bother to lock it. Why lock it when Nate knew where the key was and would just unlock it anyways?

I laid my head on my desk, letting every emotion that I held in take over. I loved Nate with all my heart.

I would have told Nate to get out last night and I would have packed his bags for him, but I couldn't make him leave. I couldn't let him leave.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pregnant with his second child. I needed  his help around here.

"Savannah, we need to talk," Nate said while bursting through the door.

I jumped at the loud and sudden noise, "talk about what," I asked while sitting up, "oh wait I already know," I paused, "you're gonna ask for an explanation, but guess what Nathan," I laughed, "you don't fucking deserve one!" I snapped while standing up.

He took a step closer to me, but I stood my ground and I didn't move. I didn't move because one, Sam was down stairs and two, I knew Nate just isn't the person to hurt me.

"I hate you," I said while pushing him away from me.

"Baby don't say that," he said while grabbing my arms so I couldn't push him anymore.

"You don't even have the right to call me baby anymore," I said while pulling my bruised up arms out of his grip, "I hate you, Nathan, and if we weren't having a baby together I would have kicked you out!"

His face softened but I didn't care anymore, "Savannah, please stop," he pleaded

I shook my head, "no, Nate. I hate you so much and I wish you'd just leave me alone," I said with tears now falling down my face.

He nodded his head and let his hands fall to his side. He turned and walked towards the door, "if that's what you want," he said while opening the door, "I'll be gone when you're fully recovered." With that he disappeared into some part of the house.

Nate was leaving.

I took myself upstairs and remembered all the sleepless nights I had in this house with out Nate and to think, it would all start again.

I fell back on to the bed and rolled my self into the blankets and fell asleep.

But as my body slept, my mind was racing and all I could think about was Nate and what I was going to do with out him.

"Hey, Savannah," I heard someone say as they shook me awake. I groaned and rolled over, "you gotta take your medicine sis."

Relaxing when I heard it was only Jack, I slowly sat up stretching my arms out, "where's Nate?" I asked.

He looked at me then down at his hands, "he took a back pack with him and left, maybe to the studio? I'm not sure he told me to watch after you," he said causing me to sigh and fall back into bed.

He wasn't suppose to leave yet.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed my self out of bed. I walked to my dresser pulling open a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I faced my back towards Jack and pulled my shirt over my head. As I was about to slip my clean shirt on Jack grabbed it.

"Excuse me," I said while trying to grab my shirt from his hands but he threw it on the other side of the room.

"No one told me about all these cuts and shit," he said while turning me to face him, "why?"

"What do you mean why?" I asked with a confused look on my face, "I just didn't think that everyone needed to know about everything that's now wrong with me." I said while grabbing another shirt and slipping in on.

"But I am your brother, Savannah," he said with a look of disbelief across this face.

"That's why I didn't tell you, Jack," I paused while walking into the bathroom putting on my jeans and walking back into my room where I had left just seconds earlier, "because you are my big brother and I know how you act when I'm hurt, okay?" I said while grabbing a sweater and gently putting that on too.

"And that's exactly why you should have told me about EVERYTHING," Jack said emphasizing 'everything'

"Well here's what happened to me, Jack! I got my ass kicked for three straight weeks while my so-called-boyfriend cheated on me, alright?" I said while grabbing my phone that I hadn't checked at all, "now you know what the hell happened to me, Jack but if you'll excuse, me I'm gonna leave and find Nate now," I said while pushing Jack out of the way.

As I pushed Jack out of the way, he caught a hold of my arm. Trying not to wince at the pain I turned to look at him, "if you hate Nathan then why are you going to look for him?"

I laughed and pulled my arm back, "because he's the father of your unborn niece or nephew and I need  him so again, if you'll excuse me I have to go," I said while walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. While grabbing my keys I saw a girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen sitting on my couch.

Seeing it was probably Jack's girlfriend I turned to face him, "lock the door when you leave, thanks," I said while going out the front door.

I knew when I got to the studio I was gonna see something I didn't want to see and that's what killed me inside.

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