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-you don't cheat on the person you love
I didn't even know what was going on with the Maloley family anymore. Nate was still hurt and was being far to distance. Stew was still upset and still thought it was his fault his dad was in the hospital. Stew was pretty pissed off at Nate because of what he did.

"Are you okay," Nate asked while laying his hand in my back. I jumped from the coolness of his hand of my back.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that," I questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

He looked at me with a weird look, "Babe what are you talking about?"

"You're being really distance, Nathan," I said.

He shook his head and rolled over to lay on his back, "my dad is dying, what else do you expect?"

I sighed, "yeah I understand that but-"

Nate cut me off with a grunt then a laugh, "you don't know what it's like to have a dead or dying parent, Savannah."

I looked at him, nodded, and stood up of out bed, "hmm I knew you didn't remember, Nathan. I moved back to Omaha how long ago because of what?"

I grabbed a random sweater of mine off the floor, grabbed the car keys, and headed towards the door. "Maybe when you figure yourself out I'll be with your mom and brother at the hospital," I said while jogging down the stairs.

I knew that walking out of the room like that wasn't going to help anything, but that really did hurt me deep deep down.

Once I got in the car I debated whether I was actually going to go the the hospital or to the cemetery.

I don't even remember who long I sat at the cemetery before I actually went to the hospital. But Nate and Stew both had called a few time which I didn't answer.

So after the last voicemail Stew left me I decided to go over to the hospital.

"Where have you been?" Nate pretty much yelled when I walked into his dad's room.

"What were you cheating on me?"

I laughed.

"No Nathan I'm not you, I don't cheat on the one I love like you do." I said while finding a spot to sit.

Stew patted a spot next to him so I could sit next to him. I could feel Skate's eyes burning hole in the side of my head.

Stew looked at me with pleading eyes. Almost as if he was begging that I hadn't cheated on Nate.

"I didn't cheat on him," I whispered to him. His eyes changed from begging and pleading back to normal.

All Nate and I did was fight or have make up sex for when we weren't fighting. I hated it with a passion but not as much as I hated him.

I knew what I was saying and I knew that I was just saying it because I was in the moment but it didn't matter to me anymore.

Stew stood up and there his head back, "let's go to the cafeteria," he said, "tensions to much in here right now."

I nodded my head and stood up following Stew. Catching a few glances from Nate we made our way to the door.

"Where were you actually at, Savannah? I wanna know the truth," Stew said stopping in front of the elevator.

"I was at the cemetery. I don't see why it matters," I huffed.

Stew look at me blankly then sighed, "Savannah, just because my brother cheated on you doesn't mean that it's okay for you to go do it."

"Yeah, I know," I started while stepping on the elevator, "I'm not the one who goes out and cheats on people, especially the guy I've loved for eight years."

"Your moms not buried in Omaha," he said trying  to prove me wrong.

"I mean if you want me to take you to the cemetery I will," I sternly said.

"Do it and watch me prove you wrong," he said.

I nodded my head and headed towards my car.

"Are we ever gonna tell your family about me being pregnant?" I asked as I slide a plate over to Nate.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "I think what we should do it have everyone fly to California next week and have a get together."

"That sounds fine," I said while taking a sip of my milk.

He looked at me and smiled, "okay good," he said, "and I just wanna say sorry for saying what I said a couple nights ago."

"Don't be," I smiled, "I completely know how it feels, Nate."

He threw my a half smile before setting his fork down, "I've been so stressed lately. I mean between you being gone, in the hospital, and this. I'm going crazy," he said.

I stood up and rushed over to Nate's side. I pulled him into my arms and before you knew it sobs were coming from Nate's mouth.

This was the thing I didn't have to go threw when my mom passed away. She didn't suffer like Monte is.

Her death was quick with no suffrage. His was just full off suffering. But we still weren't sure he was going to pass.

I pulled Nate up and looked into his eyes, "let's go lay down," I said and he nodded.

He didn't lead me to the bed room. I led him. He didn't move his feet until I pulled him through the living room.

When we reached the room upstairs, he flopped down on the bed. As I went to turn the tv on he stopped me, "no please let's just lay in the dark," I nodded my head and laid next to him.

"Hm remember the last time I had to drag you through this house?" I asked while rubbing his back.

He nodded his head, "I remember everything that ever happened between us here," he breathed, "the fights, the sex, the time I had to take you to the hospital, and the time you dragged me through this house," he listed.

I smiled.

Same skate. Same.


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