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"I'm going in!" I yelled, throwing my jacket onto the floor before diving into the school pool.

I wasn't the one who should be jumping- diving, into a pool to save someone else's life when I could lose my own.

But when it came to my best friend, I didn't even care. Samuel Wilkison was my best friend and I couldn't let him die.

After I reached the surface I put Sammy on the floor next to the pool then started to preform CPR.

"Come on Sammy," I said while hitting his chest, "stay with me Sammy boy." I whispered, " I need a medic." I finally yelled

He started coughing up water until he was full on puking the water out.

I patted his back and smiled to my self. Blake came back into to the pool area with dry towels and my second FBI jacket.

I stood Sam up and wrapped him in a towel. I walked by his side the whole way to the ambulance.

"Put this on before you head out side," I said while handing him my jacket.

"Thanks kid," he said while pushing my shoulder. I smiled pushed him back.

"Hmm whose older here?" I laughed while punching his arm, "I'll drive your car to the hospital and meet you up there," I said.

He nodded and sat in the back of the ambulance.

I jogged over to Sam's car and smiled to my self. I did it.

I saved Sam but we caught one of the four.

"I'm gonna go check on Nate's dad," I said while patting Reid on the shoulder.

He nodded his head, "I'll let everyone else know," he smiled.

I made my way to the elevator. When the elevator doors opened I saw a long haired Kenny.

Kenny freaking Holland

Most people would see us together and think we have a thing again but I would never have something with Kenny again.

I knew he wasn't here for Sam because Sam hated him. Sam was the first person to know what happened between the Kenny and I.

So that met one thing. He was here for Nathan.

"How are you from the incident?" he questioned.

"I'm okay. I'm not fully healed but I'm getting there," I said while looking down at my feet.

"Glad to hear," he smiled, "so does Nate know why we broke up?"

I looked up at him with wide eyes, "no he never asked," I spat.

"I think he should know. Do I have to tell him?" he said adding a smirk on the end.

"No you don't need to tell Nate," I said stepping off the elevator, "it's not like you're gonna tell the truth anyways."

"The truth? The reason we broke up is because you can't keep your damn legs closed, Savannah," he said while grabbing my arm.

I pulled my arm out of his grip, "really. I can't keep my legs closed?" I asked, "no Kenny, the truth is, that you were an abusive asshole so I kept my legs closed and you couldn't deal with that," I said.

I walked into the room and stood in the door way, "only family can be in here," I smiled while flashing my badge at him and closing the door.

"Hey what are you doing here," Nate said standing up with a boy who look exactly like Nathan.

"Well, Sam is here because he was almost killed," I said and his eyes went wide, "and I came to check in on you guys," I said.

"Dad's not going any better then he was the last time you seen him. He's actually getting worst," he sighed.

"Have you guys eaten?" I asked. Nate, Stew, and their mom shook their heads, "well I'll go get some food. I think I'm done for the night so," i shrugged.

"Tristan and I will ride with you," Nate said while kissing me. Tristan looked just like Nathan. It was insane.

Once we stepped out of the door we ran into Kenny, "hey man," Nate said with excitement, "why didn't you come in?" he asked. Funny how my boyfriend was excited to see the guy that I left him for.

Kenny looked at me then over to Nate, "the doctors told me that it was just strictly family right now," he said then making eye contact with me again.

"Well we're going to grab some food. You're more then welcome to join us. Although you're gonna have to drive you're car since I don't really have any room," he said. I widened my eyes at Nathan not believing that he just did that.

Kenny nodded, "well lets get going," he smirked at me and headed towards the elevator. When we stepped into the elevator Nate sat Tristan down and grabbed my hand with his right hand and Tristan's with his left.

Our elevator stopped at Sam's floor and my guys stepped into the elevator, "hey Savannah," Blake said while stepping into the elevator.

"Do you know where we can get some food," Jessica asked.

I smiled at them and nodded my head, "we're going to grab some food so you guys can follow us."

They nodded their head and we stepped off the elevator and made or way to all of our cars.

"I can't believe you did that Nathan," I said.

After he placed Tristan in his car seat he walked to where I was standing, "Kenny is my friend, Savannah. I don't know why you guys broke up and I don't really care to know either," he pushed at my shoulder, "but you're gonna get over it because he's gonna be around."

"Not in front of your son Nate," I begged.

"Then when Savannah," he screamed. I took a deep breath in as he stepped closer to me pushing me against the bedroom wall.

We hadn't stopped fighting since we got off the plane. I let out the deep breath and started to shake worst then I already was.

"Nate," I said trying to push him away, "please," I begged once more. I felt myself get lifted off the ground and slammed into the wall then thrown on to the floor.

I laid on the ground trying to catch my breath before I pulled myself to my knees. I looked at him and he had his fist inches from my face.


saved by a four year old boy.

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