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       I'm Katie Foster, and I'm a Canadian and proud of it. I've painted all my life along with singing. On my last day in school in Canada I find out I got a scholarship to go to Ouran Academy. Am I happy sure, do I want to go no. I don't want to leave Canada, because it's cold here and way to bloody hot over in Japan. Sure it's some fancy school and all, but who cares. Though do I have a choice NO! My parents want me to go not cause their happy, but because they hate me for dressing like a boy. I don't like girl cloths so I dress like a boy no shame. I also dislike my name even though all my friends say stuff like, 'Your names so beautiful.' I still don't like it so I go by K, nothing else just K. I even took the registration forms and put K instead of Katie. I like what I like can't blame me, well unless your like my mom or something. She got mad at me just cause I cut off a lot of my silver hair with out her permission. So now I got to go live in Japan alone, every one says they envy me just cause I just to leave Canada, well like I said before, 'I'M CANADIAN AND PROUD OF IT!' So yeah, plus with cross dressing I don't have to wear dress. I hate dresses they are the bain of my existence. So yeah, plus it's fun to fool people in to thinking I'm a boy. I also don't wanna leave, because at this Ouran place it's filled with rich people, and I ain't got time to deal with them and their snobby attitudes. Also who knows what kind of stalkers might be there, like those one who know every thing about you. Enough about my ranting, now then some of my likes are. I don't even know my self, but I guess I like... how am I even supposed to answer this, why am I even doing this?! Calm down K calm down, okay then I like, food, painting, singing, and stuff. Yeah I'm great at explaining my self. Okay with talking about food my favorite foods are, potato chips, Pokey, don't judge I like my Pokey and chips. I also like poutine, BLTs', Ice Tea, and Pasta. As for my personality, how should I describe it... Well I'm artistic, kind of temperamental, original, a leader, independent, unique, strong I'm a world champion in hand to hand combat, shy, cold, but I do care, out going, I'm not good at adapting, capable, pretty confident, fair, trustworthy, gentle, knowledgeable, mature, skillful, responsible, protective, and I'm also quiet the gentleman. Gawh I hate coming up with things about me it's annoying. 'K tell them about your appearance.' Mom yells up to me. Fine okay here I'll tell yall what I look like. I have short silver hair and blue eyes. I have pasty white, pale skin, so I can't go in the sun much or I get badly sun burnt. I usually wear black clothing and sweaters. I also always wear jeans, converse, and my black and white headphones. Now then I bid you fare well I need to practice my Japanese.  


Slow updates, sorry

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