Jungle Pool SOS

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~Ashes POV~

After Alexs' death I took a few days off of school to sort out paperwork. Once I went back I was on my way to class, but then Hikaru and Kaoru kidnapped me.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" I shouted at them. All they did was say something about a target being captured. I turned my head in confusion, wondering what they meant, until I noticed I was in the backseat of a car. I felt my eyes pop as my stomach turned. Did I ever mention I have a serious case of motion sickness? Oh I didn't? Whoops... But back to the problem, me and cars do not mix well and if I am to ride in a car and be alright I would need some Gravole. There's none of that here though. So I feel slightly bad for them as I started to lean forward, my breakfast wanting to make an appearance. I held it back for as long as I could then, boom, a waterfall of half digested cereal came out my mouth and on to Kaoru and Hikaru. 

After I finished hurling on them I looked at them sheepishly and said a bit wobbly, "Sorry I never told you I had motion sickness, and there may be a second round coming since I have a very high gag reflex." They looked at me in complete horror, and moved to the sides, but to bad for Hikaru since my eyes followed him so did my mouth and the hurl. I felt it come up and, bam, there we go a liquidy waterfall compared to the previous one. 

I looked down after and said, "I am so sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." I felt terrible for just vomiting on the two of them, for various reasons.

"Ash, look it's okay don't worry it's just a bit of breakfast right?" Replied Kaoru. I looked at him and nodded.

"Oh look we're here!" Hikaru pointed as we got out of the limo. I looked around and was in complete shock. We were in a water park! I started to jump for joy like a little school girl, who got the best grade.

"Oh my gosh, it's a water park!" I shouted as I shook Hikaru, "It's a bloody water park oh my gosh!" I let go of Hikaru and sat down.

As Hikaru regained his senses Kaoru spoke, "So Ash you like water parks?"

I looked at him wide eyed, "Of course I do you nitwit. What do you think, I'm jumping around for no reason shaking your brother? Of course I love water parks! Wait but I don't have a swim suit at all..."

"Don't worry about that," The twins spoke at once, then they picked me up and pushed me into a room filled with swimsuits of all kinds!

It was amazing trust me, but you know I'm not all that confident in my body at all. Like at all at all. Never have been. So when the maids came at me I was shocked and terrified.

Next thing I knew I was out side the dressing room in a pair of black swim trunks. And I was being dragged by Honey into the pool after Haruhi declined. So I just went along with it and jumped in the pool and started to swim and goof around with Honey. 

Next I knew the King, Tamaki, had royally screwed up. Because I heard Honey screaming so I turned around and saw I giant wave crashing towards us. We tried to swim away, but failed. So I grabbed Honey and held him to my chest to protect him. Because for some strange reason there were some rocks mixed in with the water and they were rushing at us. So in order to protect Honey I took the fall and got attacked with the rock viciously. After that I lost consciousness, but I was okay with that, because I had protected Honey.

I awoke to sharp pains all over my body and the sounds of a child weeping. I eyed my eyes weakly to see that I was in a limo again. I was laying on Moris lap and I saw Honey crying and hugging Usa-chan.

So I reached out my hand and said, "Come here sweety." He did just that, "See I'm okay, but what did I miss?"

"Well there was a fight and I beat up a bunch of guys," Honey said as I gasped in horror, "Ash, what's wrong?"

I started to sit up then fell back again, "You got to fight and you left me behind? I thought we were friends..." I stated as a single tear streamed down my face. 

Then I started to laugh, "It's okay, but you have to give me food in return okay?"

He nodded his head as Mori chuckled a bit at our conversation.

And with that I was driven home and laid to rest for a while. So I could regain my strength even though it was super boring.

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now