Hostipal Days

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          I was walking with Kyoya to his car, when he mumbled, "Why do I think I know you..." 

I sighed and said, "It's because you do know me. I met you when I was five. Then you just left." He just kept walking, and ushered me in to the car. The car ride was longer then I had ever imagined it would be. It took about 3 hours to get to their main place. He helped me out of the car and walked me to a closed off room. Soon after a Doctor and Nurse walked in. They told Kyoya to leave, and he did, after he did the Nurse walked up to me. 

"Hello. I'm Skye, and this is Dr. Shitamura. Would you please roll up your sleeve?" I nodded my head and did as she said, Nurse Skye came back over to me and put a needle in my arm. 

I asked her, "What was that?" 

She just smiled and said, "It will help you sleep and numb all the pain." I nodded my head, my vision started to waver. Before I could brace myself I was knocked out.

~Welcome to Dream Land! Okay Deal with it I Need a Filler Part!~

I woke up with my head pounding, but when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by people of the unknown. I knew nobody, they were all glaring at me as if I was something that needed to disappear. It was at that moment I realized, I am unwanted I am a new-sense why else would my parents leave me. I am unfit to live, why was I even born? Why? Why? Why? Answer me somebody! Wait, can they not hear me? Am I alone? My mind started to go black as I fell into dis-spare, then as I closed my eyes one ray of sunlight shone through.

 What waited beyond the light however was what had saved me, what helped me find, well, me! Slowly doors opened and I could she the figures of a egocentric blonde, mischievous, but lovable twins, a brunet cross dresser, a caring lolita blonde, a quiet giant, and a know it all. The ones I am proud to call family, we may not be blood related, but we are family. The blonde I'm happy to call my Not-Father reached out to me. I did the craziest thing ever, I took his hand. I knew if I was with them I felt complete, it was like before I meet them I was only half of me. Now thanks to them I am complete, 

I am Alexandra LaRomano, but I am also Katie Foster. 

They are both apart of me, ask me who I am I will not answer. Who am I? How would I know exactly who I am? You can give me a label, but that is not all I am. You can not say who I am in a few words, so instead paint a picture, of who I am, who I will be, and who I am to you. A picture is worth more words than you can ever say, but you don't have to say them, just express them. In your own way, people may disagree, but those are your thoughts. If they knock them down pick them up and put them up higher then they can not reach. Suddenly the world started to fade and wash away with the rain, and I woke up.

~She's Alive!~

I was greeted by a pink rabbit face and light. I pushed the rabbit away and saw a sleeping Honey. I looked to either side of me and saw every one. I smiled and thought back to the dream, then realized, 'What happened while I was asleep?' I felt Honey start to wake up, I looked at him and smiled. 

"Hi, K-chan..." He mumbled sleepily. 

I shook my head at him, "Honey-senpai, I'm going to go by Alexandra now okay?" 

He nodded his head, "Okay! Alex-chan!" When he said that every one else woke up, and Kyoya walked over. 

"Turns out you were miss diagnosed, and it was all just a sever allergic reaction, to Pokey sticks." He said calmly. 

I nodded my head, before my eyes went huge, "Pokey!? I'm allergic to Pokey sticks!?" He nodded his head while I hung mine. Tamaki and the Twins walked over and hugged me, say it was okay. 

I smiled and hugged their heads, while they asked, "Are you okay K?" 

I sighed and hit them on the head, "I'm going by Alexandra now." 

I saw Tamaki smile, and he told me, "Okay, but now you can't be a host. What do we do?" 

I sigh and look up at the roof, "We do what we have always done improvise." They nodded and left saying I had to stay one more night. After they left the night grew dark, and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now