Attack of the Lady Manager

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I woke up right on time to a coughing fit, part way through I started to cough up blood. I ran to the bath room and cleaned up and took my many medications. Then a thought ran through my head, 'Maybe my parents sent me here so I could live more before my end...' I shook my head and got dressed, I walked down stairs and got my Iced Tea, and didn't pack a lunch. I was loosing my appetite more and more these days. Honey came down and Mori came and got us, then we went and did the usual before the club.

I walked into the club and got into the outfit then sat with Honey and Mori. I looked around and saw Kyoya talking about money and every thing, he's like some debt collector or some thing. Then Honey went up to Haruhi and told her he lost one of his sandles. 

Then Mori walked up to him and put the missing one on and said, "Mitsukuni, I noticed that you dropped it." Then they hugged, and then Haruhi bumped into one of the twins and he dropped some eye drops. Before I saw any thing else I went into another coughing fit, I looked at my hand and saw some more blood, more then what there was this morning. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my hand then I saw a new girl come in, I walked up and stood with the hosts. 

Then I heard her saw to Tamaki, "No stop, don't touch me, your a phony!" 

Then she dissed him and ran and hugged Kyoya, "Oh Kyoya. How I've longed to meet you, my one and only prince charming." She started saying stuff like, he's nice, kind, and he was a real life video game character. 

I was rolling on the floor laughing, saying, "Nice? Kind? The 'Stalker'? NO WAY!" Then she suddenly became the manager, and I didn't even know.

~Time Skip- The Next Day~

"Well I've thought about it a lot maybe having a lady manager isn't so bad." Tamaki said, then continued, "Because Renge transfered in to Haruhi and K's class. If they have a female friend then it will bring out their feminine sides. Now is our chance to help them get in touch with their feminine sides. This is important men. They don't have any other friends in class other then these to shady twins. That's no good for them." 

Then the twins said, "Like you have room to talk." 

Then, speak of the devil, Renge walked into the room, "Hey every body, you'll be happy to know your manager has baked all of you cookies." 

Every one gasped, Honey took one and said, "Wow this is burnt." 

Then Mori said, "Don't eat that Mitsukuni, it's bad for you." Then Renge snapped and chashed them, Haruhi ate one and the twins teased her. Then those three became closer then ever. 

After that Kaoru offered me one, "No thanks. Not hungry." 

He looked sad the Hikaru pointed out, "You didn't eat any lunch though K." I shrugged and started to cough, a bit of blood came, but not much, I hid it, but some one saw. 

I looked at them and said, "I'm fine okay? I'm fine..." They shrugged and walked away, then my phone started to ring. 

'Who could it be?' I thought to my self as I picked up the phone. "Hello are you Katie Foster?" The lady on the phone asked. 

I was confused, but answered, "Yes I am. May I ask what this is about?" 

The lady cleared her voice, "Yes I am calling to inform you that we have found both your parents, Ivy Foster and Ian Foster dead." 

My eyes widened beyond comprehension, "T-Thank you for telling me. How d-did they die?" 

I heard the lady sigh, "It appears to be suicide. I am very sorry." 

I felt a tear stream down my cheek, "O-Okay. G-Good bye now." 

I hung up and sat for a moment and processed what I had just heard. 'M-My parents wouldn't kill them self would they?' I thought as I started to shake, I heard all the host come and gather around me. 

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now