The Sun, The Sea and the Host Club

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I started to walk along the beach that we had gone too, when four girls approached me.

"Ash, will you play beach Frisbee with us?" The first one asked my with a pleading look in her eyes, I nodded to her and agreed.

I ran out far from the second girl who held the Frisbee and waited for a throw.

I looked over at the girls as they through the Frisbee to me. Although I missed on when I was supposed to catch it. As a result it hit me straight in the forehead. My eyes widened as it hit my head, and I started to fall backwards, due to the girls strong throw. I fell onto my back and looked up at the sky.

I heard people running up to me. I tilted my head back more and saw Tamaki freaking out, with Haruhi trying to calm him down. I started to sit up and looked at the girls and smiled sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Ladies, but I don't think I am a good partner for this, but please to continue playing. Don't mind my inability to play." I said standing up and gave them a little bow.

I started to walk away from the girls and met up with Honey and started to collect some crabs with him. Of which I later found out were from Kyoyas Police People as an apology. I continue on collecting with Honey, while Haruhi started  to walk away.  Slightly distracted, which was quiet evident, since I let a crab pinch my finger. I looked down at it noticing pain and my eyes widened, I started to jump up and down, trying to shake it off. The rest of the Host Club noticed this and surrounded me. Not even to help, but to "enjoy the show", and they said. Finally Kaoru walked over and removed the 'thing' from my hand. My finger was starting to swell and turn red. I pouted and looked at the guys, looked at my finger then at them.

"How could you just watch as this happened?" I asked them in a slight fury. They all shrugged and I lowered my shoulders in defeat.

I then sat down on the sand and looked out onto the sea and vast horizon. Thinking about everything, my mind mostly lingering on the thought of my sister. The one person I had a solid blood relation to, gone. With what to last past that point, but a matter of a few days of memories. I tried to not let it bother me, but against my own will it did. As if I had no say in it the thoughts stayed, like a stain on a shirt that never quite vanished. But another main thought more of a bother than a warm thought was that letter. The contents of it, the over all message it sent, what did it mean? Who was the sender? And what exactly is not as it seems? It was something that had been dwelling in my mind of quite some time, never giving it any true thought.

But I was quickly snapped out of my daze by Hikaru and Kaoru. "Hey, Ash, wanna play a game? We promise it will be fun!" They said in sync, as if it were rehearsed.

I nodded, not having anything better to do, and questioned, "Sure, but what is this so called game you speak of?"

They gave me a grin even the Cheshire cat would be envious of, "Well, the game is to find out what both you and Haruhi are afraid of, and if we find out we get to ask you anything, there is a different thing set for Haruhi, though. Oh and all of the host club is participating."

I nodded my head, okay with the idea, thinking what was the worse they could ask me, and said, "Okay, do your worse."

They ran off in shear glee at my agreement. I stood up from my spot on the ground and started to walk around, taking in the beach we were at.

~Kaorus POV~

Running off from Alex we went to the rest of the host club and told them to news that the plan was to continue on. After seeing Haruhi never afraid of anything, and Ash just seeming quite dull lately, we decided to find out their fears. In one way for personal goals, and the other to in a way protect them from those fears.

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now