Memories Forgetten

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          I felt warmth surrounding me, this is the warmest I've felt. As I opened my eyes I saw the back of Honeys head, I noticed my arms were around him. I felt warmth behind me so I turned around and looked up to see a sleepy Mori face. I had a very safe feeling, I looked down at my waist and saw Moris' arms were around me. I started to turn pink, realizing our position. So I started to poke Honeys' face to wake him up, and he did just that. As Honey started to wake up Mori did as well. 

When Mori saw the position we were in he quickly got up. So I stood up and ushered them out of my room telling them to go to school. As I heard the front door shut, I sighed and rummaged through the boxes. One thing caught my eye it was my mothers journal. I felt very curios so I opened it and started to read. My eyes widened reading the first page.

August 5

We are currently taking princess Alexandra LaRomano Russia s' first princess out of the country.
We are taking her to Canada were she will become a new person.
She was exiled from the place because of her health condition.
As the kings loyal servants we will protect her until she is 15, then we will take our lives and there for show her the truth.
Alexandras' name will be changed to Katie Foster.
When she finds every thing out it will be up to her if she will be Alexandra again.
I hope she will forgive us when she finds out.

I closed the book and said, "I could never hate you, but I can never forgive you... I'm sorry." I got up from the ground and found the uniform, and got changed. I set out for the school, I walked past the limo and walked all the way to Ouran.

~Time Skip Because of Plot Twists~

I walked in the school and straight to the chairmans office. I didn't bother knocking I just walked in. 

"Mr. Souh I have some thing I would like to tell you and the entire school. It is some thing I just found out." He nodded his head and called the entire school in to the assembly hall.

I walked up to the microphone and started to speak, "I'm am K Foster, but I'm not I am actually Katie Foster. Even then that is not who I am." I stopped and looked at the crowed, they looked shocked. 

"I have just found this out, I am actually Russia s' first princess, Alexandra LaRomano. I was exiled from the country, because of my illness." I heard people gasp, but I was looking down with my eyes closed. 

"I will tell you, but I do not want your pity. I have a unknown disease doctors every where have told me I will not live longer then 14 years. So far I have fought it and it left for a short time, but now it is back and I have been getting the feeling like I am losing life more and more. As I said before I do not ask for pity, because I have all ready excepted this. I know it will happen sooner or later so why not sooner. I have lived I complete life, I had my life in Canada, and now here. Here I have met all of you and the Host club once again. As well as finding out who I really am, so I am grateful to have met you all." I bowed then ran off stage and ran to the Host club.

I was sitting in a corner, when I heard seven people walk in. I lifted my head and smiled at them, Haruhi ran up to me and hugged me. At first I was shocked, but I still melted into the hug. Soon everyone had joined the hug, minus Kyoya and Mori. I glared at them and they sighed and joined in as well. 

After we separated Kyoya spoke up, "I can call my doctors to have a look." 

I looked at him and smiled sadly, "Sure, but I doubt it will help." He nodded and took out his phone. After he finished speaking he looked at me and told me to come with him to one of his hospitals.  

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now