The Job of a High School Host

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        I opened my eyes slowly as my alarm went off, I sat up and saw Honey standing in the door way. 

"Can you close the door? I'll tell you when I'm done." I told him, he closed the door, I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, black converse, a black T-shirt with a tree on it, a white sweater, and my black beanie. I called Honey in and he sat next to me on the bed. 

He looked at me and asked, "Why do you dress as a boy?" 

I looked at him and sighed, "It's because guys' clothing is more comfortable, shorter hair is easier to deal with, being a guy over all is great. Plus it pisses off my parents, which is hilarious." 

He smiled at my answer then asked sweetly, "Can I tell Takashi?" 

I thought for a moment then looked at him, nodded, then smiled, "Just no one else okay?" He nodded his little head happily. 

Then he looked at what I was wearing and said, "You need a uniform." I looked at him confused, he just smiled then ran off. When he came back he threw me a blue periwinkle uniform and black dress pants. He walked out of the room and closed the door. I sighed and reluctantly got changed, I walked out of the room and Honey started to laugh. 

I looked at him questioningly, he stopped laughing and said, "Where did you learn to tie a tie? It's all messed up." 

I looked down and said, "I guess I've never been good with ties." 

He laughed a bit more then said, "Bend down and I'll help you." I did as he said and bent down, he tied the tie. 

After he finished I heard Mori call, "Mitsukuni, K, hurry up." We both walked out to the door, and got in to the limo. 

Then Honey blurted out, "K's a girl!" Mori turned to face me shock written on his face. 

I nodded then said, "K isn't my real name. My real name is Katie. The reasons I dress as a guy are. Because guys' clothing is more comfortable, shorter hair is easier to deal with, being a guy over all is great. Plus it pisses off my parents, which is hilarious." 

Mori nodded then I told him, "Don't tell the others." He nodded and we went in silence to the school.

Once we got there we parted ways, I went to class and sat down. The teacher came in and started class, so I put on my head phones and started to sketch. The class ended in no time, and I pulled out my lunch. I opened my lock and lock container and smiled seeing the poutine I made before I left Canada. I looked in my bag for my fork and pulled it out, then the twins and Haruhi turned around. 

The twins looked confused and Haruhi asked, "K what is that your eating?" 

I looked up and pulled my fork out of my mouth, "It's poutine. It has fries, gravy, and cheese curds, and it's home made." 

I looked at them and they just stared at it in awe, so I asked, "Wanna try some?" They all nodded their heads, so I grabbed some on my fork and put is in Haruhis' mouth, then Hikarus', and last Kaorus'. 

Their faces lit up and Haruhi said, "That's really good did you make it?" 

I nodded my head, and they asked for more I said quickly and with no emotion, "No this is my food." They were all bummed out then they left to go eat lunch. After about an hour or so the bell rang, so I got up, grabbed my stuff, and headed for the Host Club.

I walked in and saw the place was a tropical rain forest. Under my breath I muttered, 'I hate you all.' Then I walked over and sat with Mori and Honey, then I noticed Honey looked up set. 

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now