Starting Today You Are a Host

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          I sighed looking up at the large school. 'Why does a school need to be so large?' I questioned my self. I walked in and every one stopped then started to stare at me. I don't know weather it's my clothes or my looks. I just continued walking to my class 1A being a first year and all. I walked in and sat down at a desk in the back corner by a window. The school year had already started so I was a late transfer. Every one started to come in to class, and I was crowded by a bunch of girls. I didn't do much talking cause I suck at Japanese. Then I noticed a pair of male twins and a female cross dresser walk in. They were in the seats right in front of me, the cross dresser turned around. 

"Hi, I'm Haruhi. You must be the transfer student." She said happily I nodded my head then the twins turned around. 

"I'm Hikaru and this is Kaoru." One said he had a kind of deep voice. I nodded then the teacher walked in.

 "Okay every one we have a new transfer. Please come up Mr. Foster." The teacher motioned for me to come up to the front. I walked up to the front with my hands behind my head. 

"Hello, I'm K Foster." I said worried I messed up, then I sat back down in my seat. I didn't pay attention, so I just put on my head phones and sketched on my note book. At the end of class the twins and Haruhi told me to come with them so I did.

They took me to a abandoned music room, they opened the doors and rose petals came flying out. In side there were four figures, I walked in following Haruhi. 

Then the raven haired one with glasses spoke up, "K Foster. Born in Canada, singer, painter, world champion hand to hand fighter. Blood type AB, gender male. That's all I know about you." I shivered and thought, 'I was right there is one of those know it all stalkers here.' A blonde walked up to me and told me about this Host Club. 

Then a short blonde came up to me, "Hi K-chan, I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me 'Honey'." I looked down at him and slightly smiled. Then he pointed at the tall quiet guy, "That's Takashi Morinozuka, but every one calls him 'Mori'." I nodded looking up at the giant. 

Then the stalker spoke, "I am Kyoya Ootori." 

Then the freaky blonde said, "I am Tamaki Suoh. The King of this club, here every one has a type. Hikaru and Kaoru are the mischievous type. Haruhi is the natural. Honey the boy Lolita. Mori the strong and silent type. Last Kyoya the cool type." 

I nodded trying to comprehend what I just heard. I turned to this Tamaki guy, "Do you have a art stand in here?" He looked at me then nodded he pointed it out. I nodded then walked over to it and pulled out a pencil from my note book. I asked them to stand like thy would greeting some one. They did so and I started to sketch them out, once I finish that I pulled out my paints and painted it. I did the finishing touches by signing it. I motioned for then to come over once they saw the painting they were shocked. 

Then the blonde asked, "Will you join the Host Club."

 I shrugged and said, "Why not?" 

Then he started to think then exclaimed, "You are the artistic type!"

I just went with it and they opened up the Host Club. A whole bunch of girls swarmed in and a bunch crowded me. Some of the sat with me and the others walked away depressed. 

They started to ask me, "K where are you from?" I looked at the girl she was quite the gem. 

"I'm from Canada." They all started to swoon. 

Then another asked, "Why is your hair so white?" 

I looked at her and smiled a bit, "Why that's because I'm an Albino. And with being an Albino I can't go in to the sun very much. So you lovely girls are the only flowers I get to see." 

They all started to blush, then the last girl asked, "What are your talents K?" 

I looked at her sweetly, "I'm a painter, singer, and a pianist. Could I posabley paint you three?" They all nodded at once, then I asked them to sit together and I painted them. 

Then the stalker Kyoya came up behind me and said, "One of you three could buy this." After he said that it became a bidding war, so I went and sat with Honey and Mori. I sighed then pulled out a box of Pokey an started to eat it. 

Soon after the club closed and the stalker came over to me, "Your painting sold for quite a bit." I ignored him and continued eating. I started to think about not having any one to live with and things alone that line. 

Then Honey asked me, "K-chan do you have any where to stay?" 

I nodded my head then said, "Yeah I do, but I'll be living alone with no means of contacting family or any one. Since I only have enough money to eat and pay rent..." 

Honey looked really sad then he perked up and said, "You could come stay with me." 

I looked at him shocked then asked him, "Are you sure you only met me today." He nodded his head and I accepted. At the end of the day I followed Honey out side to a limo. I told me to get in and people already got all my stuff.

Once we got there I saw him house was a huge mansion. He told me to follow him to my room. He lead me to a nice large room that had a personal on-suite. He said his room was right next to mine then he went to his room. 

I was changing into a different shirt when Honey walked in and said, "K-chan it's time for-" He stopped mid sentence then walked out of the room. 

I called out, "I'm done changing." 

He came back and asked, "K-chan are you a girl?" 

I nodded my head, "What of it?" 

He looked at me shocked, "Does any one else know?" 

I looked at him and said, "No. Why are you making such a big fuss? Haruhi's a girl and I know you know." 

He looked shocked, "You knew Haruhi is a girl?" 

I nodded my head and said, "We can tell our own kind ya know." Honey just nodded then we walked down to a huge dinning room. I sat down and noticed that there was a boy with brown hair sitting off on his own, I just ignored him and ate. The food was amazing compared to what I am used to for dinner. It was the best Chicken Alfredo I've ever had, I finished it quick to avoid awkwardness and went back to my room. I sat on the fluffy bed, it was extremely soft, the same goes for the black and white sheets. I laid over on my side and drifted off to sleep.  

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now