Side Chapter 1

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~Psssst this side chapter will have a small hint (okay a huge one). So pay attention for things that seem to have a lot of focus on them, or.... maybe any letters~

~Ashes POV~

I walked through the hallway of Honeys house, before finding my way to the kitchen. Trust me I know my way around, but his house. It's like huge! Way to large for a small guy like him.

I walked in and sat at the breakfast bar and zoned out on the counter. After a short while my eyes made their way to a small envelope. I knew that I probably shouldn't, but why not? So I walked to it and picked it up. What harm could it do? And just my luck, it was addressed to me.

So of course I opened it. My name on the front was in a very feminine writing. Along with my name on the paper inside. 

Slowly as if it was some kind of ultra secret letter, I open and unfolded it.


If you are getting this please go somewhere private due to the fact that this can not be known to anyone.

Okay now that you are most likely in a safe spot, I will continue.

Ash you need to watch out, do not worry about my identity, as you will find out soon enough.


You must be careful and not trust anyone, with the exception of the Host Club.

Be as cautious as you can, and know that some things aren't as they may have seemed.


A Protector 

That was the end of the letter, and I didn't know what to think. I was now in my bedroom, and on my bed.

I sat there for I don't know how long, but eventually I drifted off to sleep with the thoughts about the letter running through my mind.

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now