The Funeral

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(A/N) Sorry I just didn't really like Alex's character any more. She didn't come out as I wanted, so I had been planning how to take her out. So now it will take place mostly from Ash's point of view minus this chapter since you all will want to see how the hosts feel. But please do not leave this story behind, because it loves you.

~Tamaki POV~

It had been a about a week since the accident, and no one was really happy. Alexs' funeral was planned for tomorrow. Suddenly my mind wandered to the piece of paper she gave me. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the crumpled piece of paper. I slowly opened it trying not to rip it.

Dear Host club (Or who ever my be reading this)

If you are reading this it means I'm dead. Please do not be sad I was ready to accept death when ever it may have come. I want you to continue living and being happy. I already had the feeling I was going to die, so please do not dwell on my death to long. Here are a few thing I would like you to do for me so I know you still care. 1. Please hit the twins up side the heads for their stupid pranks. 2. Make sure Kyoya has fun and shows emotions. 3. Give Honey a lot of cake for me since I never got to make some for him. 4. Make sure Tamaki stays true to who he is and does not leave the Host Club. 5. Tell Mori to stop being a walking pole and have some emotion. 6. Tell Haruhi that she is amazing and to get her desired future. 7. Take care of my brother, okay?

Lastly tell Honey and Mori to tell you all the truth. They will know what I mean.

With love, Alex

I broke down on to the floor, "Why Alex... Why?" But I stood up and started on what she wrote.

~Time skip Ashes POV~

It was finally the day of the funeral. As I walked up to the place I thought about how I will never get to know her as a brother should.

I walked in and sat down, as the reception started. They started a video of pictures and videos from her friends in Canada and here in Japan. As the photos went by I felt tears stream down my face. At the video ended people started to walk up sharing memories.

The first girl was one of her friends from Canada, Kate. "I've known Katie, no Alex, since Kindergarten we were always together. When I first met her she was walking in she looked just like a boy, even the teacher doubted what the paper work said. She was in all honesty my first crush, even after I found out she was a guy I didn't really care. My best memory with her is probably back in middle school. Her 'parents' owned a farm so we went out there and we walked out a bit too far. We ended up getting lost and I fell into a well. Alex was in such a panic she ran around and yelled, "Help, help, help Kate fell in a well!" Then like the clumsy idiot she is, when help came and were getting me out, she fell in. Then we got back and go sick. She was such a clumsy idiot."

By the end of her story her face was coated with tears and a huge grin. She walked down and other told stories and the last person was Honey.

Honey walked up and spoke, "Awhile ago when Alex-chan found out about who she was, she received all her 'parents' belongings. One of the items was a photo album, Takashi and I had walked in when we heard her cry a bit. When we went in she showed us the album and told us, that when she was younger she came to Japan. When she came she met all of us; Tama-chan, Kyo-chan, Hika-chan and Kao-chan, and of course Takashi and I. When she came she first met Tama-chan and Kyo-chan, but then they left her behind. Then she met Takashi and I, she was the one who came up with the nicknames for us. Then we left her, after which she put up a barrier as to not get hurt again. Then she and her 'parents' were invited to a party were she met Hika-chan and Kao-chan. She ended up forgetting their last name since she could not say it. And then for once she was the one to leave them behind, because she had to go back to Japan."

He walked down and I saw the Host Club so sad. After that people started to clear out and we walked up to her coffin. Everyone, but Honey, Mori, and I broke down and cried. I felt so fed up so I walked behind them and hit them all on the head. 

Then I yelled at them, "You all knew Alex longer then me, so you all should know that she wouldn't want you to be like this! I've known her for less time and I even know this! So get up and get your shit together. If not for your self, do it for her, the one who cared about you lot more then she cared about herself! She would would risk life and limp for you, so do this one thing for her and stand tall never forgetting her!"

They all just stared at me before Hikaru got up and punched me. I heard every one gasp I felt a bit a blood drip down my face.

Hikaru started to yell at me, "What would you know?! As you said you've known her for one freaking day! You haven't made a real connection with her! You weren't there when she was in hospital and dying! You haven't known her long enough to love her!"

I got up and looked at him, and I smiled, "You know what your right. Why did I think I could just find her and be accepted, because where ever I go I am never accepted. I guess I thought this time would be different."

Everyone looked shocked, and I saw Hikaru walk up to me. Then he hugged me, "Ash, I-I'm sorry. This whole thing has just gotten to me." I patted his back and said, "It's okay, let's be friends okay? I wanna see for myself why my sister loved you all so much."

That was the start of my journey with them, and the end of my sisters. I know that she is watching over us though, so it's okay. Life will move on so we have to move on to, but just remember to not forget the memories that made us.

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now