The Twins Fight

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Finally life was getting back on track. I was sent out of the hospitable after finding out I was allergic to my Oh-so-dear-one-true-love Pokey. I sighed as I walked around the club room, we had made arrangements so I could stay.

~Flash Back Time~

All of the Host Club were walking to Mr. Souhs office. With a important subject to discuss, me, I guess. 

Once we reached the office we entered and Tamaki burst out, "What do we do about K- I mean Alex being a girl?" 

Mr. Souh thought for a moment then said, "Well, my dear Alex, I think you should stay in the Host Club so you can give advice, help around, and maybe be a female host." 

I nodded my head, but Kaoru and Hikaru disagreed, "But then some scum may touch her!" 

I turned to them and gave them a death glare, "Kao-chan, Hika-chan do think I can't talk care of myself?" 

They both shivered and said, "No mam. What aren't we the same age?" 

I shook my head and said, "I looked at my legal birth certificate and I'm actually a year older then you two and a month older then Tamaki." They all stood there shocked, but I waved my fair well to Mr. Souh and walked out.

~End Flash Back~

Once I had finished cleaning up I walked up to the front door of the host club. I opened it and walked out I didn't really want to go to the club today. As I got out of the school I saw a long black limo parked in front. I payed it no mind and kept walking, that was until the security man from the limo grabbed me. He had over welling strength and he managed to get me in the limo. Once inside I looked around and saw I boy who looked just like me minus the eyes. He had the same hair, body shape, because I be flat, and what looked to be the height of 4'9", me being 5'4". His eyes were the exception of our similarities, his right eye was pink in color and the other grey-ish. He also seemed to be holding on to a rabbit.

"Uh, hi there. Who are you?" I questioned him. 

He laughed a bit before nodded, "Figures you wouldn't know yet. I am Ash LaRomano your twin brother. I was sent out of the country as well since they didn't want me leaking anything about your existence. So I spent most of my life searching for you so I could be with my sister again. I missed you Alexandra." Most people would expect a person saying this to be lying, but I knew this was the truth. I could feel that he was telling the truth, I felt so happy I had a brother, a twin. 

"Hey, Ash," I started, "What's your rabbits name?" 

He looked down at the rabbit and smiled, "This is Alec, he is the one who has always been there for me." I hung my head feeling bad that I never got to be with him till now. 

Suddenly I put my head up, "Ash, come with me I want to introduce you to my friends." Ashes eyes lit up and he nodded his head vigorously, as I smiled.

As I got out I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the host club. 

I kicked open the door and yelled, "I MADE IT BACK ALIVE! Oh and I brought a special someone with me~!" I looked back at my brother and saw him giggling. I soon saw Tamaki and the twins run up to us 

I waved them over as I hide my brother behind me. "Wanna see who it is~?" I asked they nodded a lot, I pushed Ash in front of me as he blushed deeply. 

"Alex, who is this?" Hikaru asked as Tamaki and Kaoru nodded. 

I grinned like a idiot, "This, boys, is my twin brother Ash! Now treat him right or there will be hell pay. Okay~?" They nodded at my mood swings. 

"Oh and we will be leaving early, since I want to get to know my brother better. Honey is it okay if he comes over?" I asked. 

Honey nodded with a face full of cake, "Suure, Ashh-chaan can come over!" His voice sounded of due to the full mouth.

And with that Ash and I walked to the Haninozuka residence. Once we got inside I pulled him up to my room. 

"So Ash," I started, "Will you be going to Ouran now?" 

He nodded his head and smiled, "Yes. I will be. So tomorrow I have to be at the school at 5:45, so my files can be entered." I nodded and smiled. For the rest of the night we ended up talking. Ash well asleep at about 10:00, but I was awake till about 3:00. I know, I know it's not good for my health, but I still fell asleep.

~After sleepy time by HOLY POOP SHE HAS A TWIN BROTHER!?~

I woke up and looked around, I didn't see Ash anywhere. I turned my head and saw a note on the alarm clock. I grabbed it and started to read;

Dear Alex,

As you have probably noticed I already left.

I didn't bother to wake you due to your late night.

So don't worry I am already at the school.

I will see you there.

Sincerely Ash

P.S. Honey I think you called him left with me.

I sighed and thought, 'Okay that's fine.' I looked at the clock to see it was almost time for the first class. I jumped up and started to get ready. After I had the uniform on really messily I might add I rushed out the door past the maids. I didn't want to be late, since it was my brothers first day and I heard that Hikaru and Kaoru had just faked a fight, and I needed to hit them upside the head.

As I thought about this I saw the school and the host club standing in front. I smiled and ran faster, not paying attention to the road. 

I saw their eye widen in horror and I heard Honey shout, "Alex look out!" I looked to my side and saw a huge semi trunk heading towards me. I know I wouldn't be able to avoid it, so I turned to the host club and let a tear drip down before I waved my hand as a peace sign. Ash was running towards me, but I shook my head, smiling. Accepting my fate, I had tear streaming down my face as the trunk collided with me. 

It felt like I was flying, reminding me of when Mori would lift me up, physically and emotionally. 

As I felt the impact with the ground it made me think that maybe this was all a sick joke by the twins, but I knew it wasn't. 

I saw many faces surround me mostly girls making me think about Haruhi's real identity. 

I saw a piece of cake on the floor, Honey. 

Then I saw a bright light similar to Tamaki's. Before it took my I handed him a folded piece for paper and smiled weakly. 

Then I surround no longer by people, but by darkness making me think of the oh so mighty Stalker, Kyoya. 

It was warm though I knew it was my brothers warmth.

~The Singing Paintest (OHSHC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now